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GH50: January 2014 Discussion - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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Brenda's return under RC was fun. I loved the stuff with Michael. Thought it was old school fun Brenda from the 90's. Guza's Brenda storyline had been labeled the worst storyline 2010. It was so bad and so critically panned. She didn't brign in any big numbers her 10-11 return. Ron can bring back Brenda considering he will be here for years and years to come.

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The stuff with Michael was unnecessarily cruel as she used that boy who did nothing to her as a weapon against his mother. The fighting with Carly complete with throwing a dinner roll at her head at a charity event was childish and beneath her. But he worst if it was how they further ruined she and Jax. She's engaged to him only to come back to town to beg Sonny to take her back and when he doesn't, she settles for Jax who dumps her when he realizes she'll always be a ho who can't commit to him? She came across pathetic and this was only a few weeks. Thank god she wasn't around for 6 months bc they would have further clowned the character

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Well thats worse and no I agree she should go off with Robin. Hell Patrick should too. Why cant he not know about his baby for years. They did that on OLTL with Jenny and Katrina Karr when Karen switched the babies. The truth didnt come out for like 5 years. I miss stories like those. You know the ones that actually have brain activity around them

Brenda in 2013 was very much Brenda during the Brenda/Jagger/Karen/Jason Quad and I didnt enjoy seeing that Brenda again

Im surprised she hasnt visited since Robin is alive

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Didn't you hear the great news? Jax and Brenda reunited off screen and are getting married. Sonny told Carly this in passing several months ago. My eyes rolled so hard, you would have thought I was having a seizure. Why would Jax take her back and why would Brenda even go back to Jax after that?

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Very serious. Carly barged into Sonny's to tell him Morgan and Kaka were getting married. Before she could get it out, Sonny thought she was there to discuss Brax. He told her "I already know about Jax and Brenda getting back together...". It was later mentioned that they are getting married.

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LMAO! Obrecht is having such a hard time dealing with all the GH twits that her bun is slowly coming undone. laugh.png

The [!@#$%^&*]? We don't even see Brad/Lucas run into each other/hook up? Just like that, it's the next day? Conveniently happening when Felix changes his mind about Brad, so Felix can cry and bitch about it for the next five episodes. So that's why Brad finally exploded on Felix the other day. God, the writing's so transparent. There are no character moments unless they can serve the plot.

LMAO at Anna "following a lead in Carly's case" at Rape Pier (smoggy for added cover to the rapists) just so that she can run into Duke and Sonny. Bitch, please.

Another episode, another character being held at gunpoint even though we know he's not getting shot/dying rolleyes.gif

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I thought it was interesting that they didn't mention Lucas' sexuality at all before they had him kissing Brad. If I had never watched when he was on or been on YouTube or Wikipedia, I'd be surprised. But again, this is FV and RC, they're always going for cheap shock value.

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