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GH50: January 2014 Discussion - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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Lucas rarely interacted with anyone much. The character was a nothing sort of cipher they didn't have much use for in the Guza era, gay or straight. He, his immediate family, etc. were not a priority. They also wasted a number of talented young actors, including CJ Thomason who was wonderful on the CBS maxiseries Harper's Island and Evan Bonifant, who once was "Little Al" Holden on OLTL. But he was not a character. He was a spare part. Ben Hogestyn had a few lovely scenes, though, before Lucas exited - his coming out to Tony and his goodbye with his father. But that was the most they ever bothered with the character. (There was also a grotesque scene a few months before, where he found Luke drunk in the park and Luke tried to coax the closeted Lucas into being a manly Spencer man hitting it with dockside hookers.)

Ryan Carnes is surprisingly good so far - much better than I ever remember him being on GH in the past or any other TV show or movie, where I always found him awful. And he looks a lot more handsome and human, not too plucked.

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I agree Spencer is being raised the antithesis of Nik if I recall correct me if I'm wrong my details are fuzzy. I thought Nik was raised a loner, more or less he didn't have play dates, cousins, Aunts, coming in and out of castle dark ' not sure how he was at Spencer' age but judging by dialog (I recall) he was raised y servants, Alfred was is BFF sort to speak. Under Nik's watch Wyndemere is entirely different environment of activity.

I thought Nik grew up sheltered, isolated, Stefan grooming him to be a Prince, I don't recall Nik having the same entitled attitude as Spencer, this is my stable, my horses my my my this and that...also Nik has been pretty successful keeping Helena' influence away from Spencer. He was a sweet kid quiet (like Morgan) this is Ron' vision of Spencer Cassadine

and its not a good look.

As for Lucas I remember they said he went to Seattle and he was a doctor so? Not sure if Ron is reconing his backstory didnt' see today eppy yet

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Granted, we didn't see Nik as a child as young as Spencer, but I think it's pretty safe to say that you are correct. I clearly remember his first scenes in the nursery with baby Lulu when Lucky asked what the hell he was doing with his sister. He seemed rather sheltered, quiet, reserved, socially inexperienced. Spencer is being written like preteen Petey Courtlandt or A.J. Chandler, little rich prick in training.

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