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GH50: December 2013 Discussion

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Obrecht called Anna a schlampe! Dead.

It was fun when Maxie shut the door on Shitnelli's face. I almost rolled my eyes at their montage but I'm a B&B viewer... they could have love montages of them five times a week and I wouldn't bat an eye.

I was impressed when Duke turned Sonny down and for a second, just a second, thought it would stick. Then Julian walked in. Can someone explain to me once again why the hell a Mob Boss has no protection? Why can Julian just walk up to him? Why is Julian doing his own killings? So Carlos has been taken, therefore Julian has no one else? Sonny's line "Your sister? You mean, the tramp?" had me lol, and it was hilarious how MB was subtly making fun of Julian's line delivery. Of course, this wouldn't be Carlihussy without heavy handed manipulation. Therefore Julian threatens Anna and Duke's resolve all but disappears!

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TJ's gonna catch a bullet! Anything to get some drama out of this mess.

Carlos is SUCH a wimp. Not only is he physically unable to intimidate or defend himself and his boss, but he cries and whines and acts like a lost puppy. Until, of course, he is about to escape, when conveniently one of Sonny's men is there and Carlos all of a sudden can fight.

The timeline regarding Britt and her pregnancy doesn't seem to make any sense. Why did they have to give us a month for the flashbacks? I do enjoy her and Obrecht, though. Nikolas put on a shirt. Ridiculous! :rolleyes:

Molly's voices cracks on every. damn. line. Boo, I know you're a teenager and all, but STOP IT.

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I cannot take this mob thing seriously. Duke doesn't belong in any of this (as a matter of fact I can't see where IB fits in the show at this point despite liking the actor a lot), Carlos is a joke and I might buy the story if Julian was involved with Morgan and Ava was the mastermind behind the Jerome Sisters. TJ realised TODAY what Shawn's job really is? If there were not all these people eating airtime the show might be able to tell a very interesting story about Shawn and TJ. I'd rather see some scenes with them, or Morgan and Molly instead of Lucy's triangle, or Franco's one man show, or Felix talking to random people in the hospital.

Happy to see Bobbie back. I'd like to see her in some scenes with Morgan and Michael.

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The location work in similar settings on AMC and OLTL this year looked a hell of a lot better and more stylish and cinematic. This was obviously the same locale as last year's virus climax and it was very generically lit and shot this time, IMO. It was just there. FV has done better work with less.

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