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GH50: November 2013 Discussion

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It's true that Morgan is a cipher (if that!). I sort of wish he was the Mason Capwell of this show -- the wealthy, well-traveled, educated kid seething with anger over how his parents dumped him in an overpriced boarding school to tend to Myyyyyyyyyyyychael. Full of sarcastic putdowns and witty bons mots at Bambi's doe-eyed earnestness about The Mafia Code.

Sure, he is sore at Michael and Sonny about Michael being the favorite, but everytime he bleats about Michael stealing Kiki, I'm like "Her? Really?" The hatred was already there, was it necessary to bring on some steel-jawed harridan to pretend that it's as simple as "Ah wuv her! No, ah wuv her!" ?

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LMAO at Franco basically saying I have crazy parents, I'm a psycho, I'm messed up and I've done horrible things but, besides that, why wouldn't you want to be with me? And that face RH pulled. laugh.png

I can't be the only one laughing at the way Kiki jumped into the water. But what's the problem? It looks as if Michael can just put his feet down on that little pond and all is resolved. wink.png

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I just couldn't with Franco/Carly. Oy. They will never work for me. But damn they have chemistry.

I'm also distracted by the fact that Silas and Derek look the same age and one of them is dating Sam and the other is her father. Seriously, it's ridiculous.

And so is this reason behind Sonny not offing Julian. Seriously? Danny? I mean, I get it, but they're stretching for anything to justify keeping Julian alive and not having Sonny order him dead.

I hope Kiki and Michael never come out of that water. ANd Morgan can take a flying leap with them.

Also the writing for Ava has gone totally south. All she does is leer and lurk and make side comments. What happened to the powerful Ava Jerome? Sigh. I buy her more as a mob boss than Julian.

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I'm also somewhat annoyed by the writing for the women lately. It's reaching 'worship my man' status. And I find that writing incredibly annoying. Sam's done nothing but pucker up to Silas' ass all week and Olivia couldn't be further up Sonny's behind.

And there goes Carly. She couldn't wait to jump into bed with him. Yuck.

Finally the baby story is back on tomorrow. And they remembered Felicia exists! Yay. And yuck to Julian. "Did you come back for more". Alexis may slap him but she'll be in his bed in no time.

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This is so disappointing! As much as I'm into this pairing, I am absolutely livid! Let's write Carly having reservations and revisiting all of the horribleness in the first 1/2 but then we will give her a reason to have sex with him in the 2nd 1/2? They should have allowed Carly's struggles to play out longer! Idiots! So Michael going into the water had nothing to do with the Corinthos Clan? It was all about Francly? Wow! Just [!@#$%^&*] wow!


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There's no there there with Ava and Julian. DeVry has no connection with NLG or with Kelly Monaco. He's likely to just end up going psycho over Carly, and Sonny and Franco will have to save her. Under the vamping, Ava is insecure and ultimately not very relevant to the canvas. I predict a faked pregnancy and a murder mystery in her future.

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