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GH50: November 2013 Discussion

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Today's episode was SO bad, lol. REALLY bad.

RH was insufferable as he had a hissy fit. OMG. So bad.

Morgan looks like a complete and utter idiot. I do like the characters all calling him out on the obvious.

Chad Duell is just laughable when Michael has to show anger or be tough. He was so much better with Sean Kanan.

I don't seriously want anyone to be fired, but whoever wrote today's episode should be. Really awful.

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I laughed so hard seeing that bitch jump in the water. Ugh.

If people want to enjoy this episode, I say enjoy it, I can see why, in a lot of ways, it was flashy and dramatic and 'OMG' but it's all flash and no substance. Nothing 'lasts' with Ron. Morgan will now have everyone in his head saying what they did about Ava so he'll slowly start to 'realize' she used him and then voila, he turns on her, becomes a hero, blah blah ... watch.


So is Michael gonna forget about Kiki now? Yawn. Or is this how moRon will 'honor history' by having Morgan screw up Michael by having him hit his head. Or is it just a bunch of nothing?

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If you're going to do a fist fight on the docks we know that somebody is eventually going to end up in that water so why keep teasing it every damn scene? It does not build suspense. If anything, you begin to tune out what's being said and it's just, "Yadda yadda yadda, somebody get ktfo into the water already..."

I don't know what the HELL RoHo is going for but Franco and his t-shirt came off as so whiney and bitchass today. He seems like somebody Carly would eat for breakfast, not pine after.

I guess there's always the plastic surgery defense but the Alexis and Michael Cambias ages don't seem to match up. And who is Franco's father if he's not Jason's twin after all?

A positive: I thought the cast in black looked good against the bright white of the gallery. Reminded me of the shot of the male cast in the old opening.

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