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HBO's Looking


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I just don't want to spoil the party if other people are enjoying the show.

You probably missed his first appearence in the last eppy, where he was holding a spatula with a limp wrist and his hand next to his shoulder.

Ok, but wanting to strangle them everytime they're on isn't okay either.

Weekend had a plot. Was it action-packed? Definitely not, but surely it featured likeable characters, a nice development and end.

It's definitely played for laughs to an extent, you can see it by the way the scenes are cut, but what I'm saying is that this is not a very captivating story arc to give your character in the early run of your show :D

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What was Weekend's plot? It showed character growth, I agree, but a plot is a sequence of events. Looking has far more of a plot.

You're right about Frank--I guess I saw it more as them trying to show (and perhaps too obviously) that he was the more domestic of the two, rather than the more "girlie" one.

I dunno. The show works for me -- even comparing it to something like the US Queer as Folk I find it a refreshing change. That said, I do appreciate reading differing opinions, and I liked that you actually gave reasons for why you don't like it as opposed to just saying it was boring :P (And I actually find myself agreeing with some of your points.)

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It was nice until I caught him on the other bus. ;)

But still...like you said...such is life. And just more proof these things happen.

Now that next episode...was the first time I've wanted to slap Patrick all through the episode.


Dom...do not shoot yourself in the foot.

And *jaw drop* at the restroom scene.

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I think (and still have hope) that Patrick doesn't want to end up being a side piece to Kevin. Kevin and his interest in Patrick may be genuine, but he continues to give him mixed messages regarding his boyfriend.

I'm not expecting to hear that Jon is this walking saint, but Kevin continues to say all these negative things about his boyfriend and his relationship to Patrick, then he sees those two together and they DO look like they're happy or what's supposed to look like happy.

Patrick already has issues with his self-esteem. I don't know how he'll function as the other man. If that happens.

He'll be even more neurotic.

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He would totally be Carrie Bradshaw style neurotic being the other 'woman.'

But that is true...we are getting everything from Patrick's point of view and there is what he is hearing and what he is seeing. So that makes Kevin ?

So what is real? what is not?

Still...that kiss....hot.

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The last episode though showed that there were serious cracks in Kevin's relationship with John though. I don't know if you guys would agree or saw what I saw....but when Patrick's sis (the bride) came over to chat with them and suggested that Kevin propose to John so that there would be a gay wedding (eye rolls commence) Kevin didn't exactly seem thrilled at the prospect (just the idiot I'm dealing with wasn't thrilled at the prospect of getting lunch together the other day...but that's a story for another day lol).

It just seemed like there was some type of tension going on between John and Kevin. Hence why I wasn't surprised by the kiss later on. I do think Patrick could easily end up being the side piece.

On another note I don't get what makes Patrick think that he's so above Richie in terms of job or status. I mean aside from his family its not like Patrick is exactly loaded. So I don't understand why he was so neurotic about introducing Richie to them when his job in some ways isn't that much better...Sorry but if I was a status whore like that I don't think I'd be working as a low level videogame developer AND then snub my nose at a person who cuts hair....

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As much as all that is true, you will be oh so surprised how many people truly are status whores and snub their noses at who a person will date as if their jobs (whether it is a telemarketer, cashier, doorman at the club, living off the SSI) are any better.

But that could just be the South. ph34r.png

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This is probably the part most people identify as being "Girls-esque." The day in the life of unlikable and ultimately bitchy characters who have no direction in life. I think that comparison is apt for that particular reason it fits and has the same general tone and ideology of messy people that this sub-generation seems to crave. Entertainment comes from people engaging in unbelievably stupid, infuriating and self-destructive behavior. Which is something I can't really get behind of, but in this post-reality television world I can see the appeal of.

In a way I understand the concept that a character doesn't have to be likable (it certainly helps, by the gods yes it does - at least for me), but ultimately if the character pops it's a salvageable situation, hence the success of Girls and to an extent Weeds and Shameless' titular character successes. Nancy, Fiona in addition to Hannah aren't the easiest characters to root for but ultimately they "pop." I think it's a bit odd that viewers are so in to this particular version of leading anti-hero(ine) television these days, but I guess it's the effect cable has as being a radical alternative to the heroes on basic television (i.e. Dexter, Breaking Bad, True Blood, Mad Men, etc.) there seems to be this adverse reaction to perfect leading protagonist achingly trying their hardest to do the right thing. Instead of wanting to struggle with a moral horizon, it seems like there is some kind of underlying schadenfreude that comes from watching these characters perpetually screw everything up.

Edited by Skin
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