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The description of "gay comedy " is hilarious to me for some reason. But I am glad it was renewed. It's not my favorite snow ever but I do relate to some parts and I'm curious to see how these characters and their relationships change over the next season. I either need 15 episodes that are 30 mins long or 10 hour long ones tho...

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I'm sorry but I think the show is awful. The only reason I watch it is because I'm absolutely in love with Russell Tovey and I have a fondness for Murray Bartlett from GL.

I don't know how they managed to make the characters so unlikeable. Every single one of them.

And don't get me started on that Patrick fellow. He's just obnoxious and not in a love-to-hate way. There's just nothing likeable about him, he's just a self-centred brat, and I might have a fit if they repeat one more time he's had just *one* boyfriend.

The plots are just unbelievably lame, I mean the writers' spokeperson must be great at pitching things because this show literally has no direction. The main storyline is about a young loser adding another boyfriend to his resume (what was the deal with that scene where he kept saying 'I haven't got a gay voice... my voice is NORMAL!!!'. is that really acceptable in 2014 USA?), then you have two supporting stories about a guy obsessed with Portuguese chicken and another one getting tired of his girlish boyfriend.

I'm sorry, I know there are so many fans here but I just needed to vent. And if Patrick ends up with Kevin (which is definitely going to happen), I'm gonna SCREAM! lol

Edited by Aback
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LOL.....that honestly is a very valid point and one I've been wrestling with as well.

I've been utterly bored to tears with Dom and his obsession with that chicken and his restaurant. Patrick is someone I'd either tolerate or absolutely hate in real life depending on the day of the week.

I think cuz the show is probably relatively cheap to make compared to something massive like GoT is the reason why it was given the green light....

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Ha I love when people feel the need to apologize for disliking a show. I don't think I'd like a show if it was one that nobody disliked (if that makes any sense...) But at least you watch which helps the show :P

I never thought Frank was girlish, but I don't think Auggie's story is about him trying to get rid of him. Granted, part of the style of the show is that it doesn't have strong stories--and this goes back to people finding it boring. You either find that interesting, or not. I find all the characters to *some* level relatable enough that I can't say any are unlikeable, but then again, as I've said before here, I often tend to like shows (books, movies, plays...) where others complain that the characters are not likeable. I don't watch tv because the characters are people I'd want to have over for a dinner party.

The show was given the greenlight, I suspect, largely due to the praise given Weekend (a film some hate for the same reasons.) And yeah, it's cheap, and it appeals to a desirable demographic. I do laugh whenever Dom brings up Piri Piri Chicken, but I think that's partly meant to happen. It's not like anyone involved thinks this is a all-important issue, but it shows what a rut the character is in and how desperate he is to try to get out of it. (Maybe it helps that I have a friend who was similarly obsessed with the food truck he opened in Montreal which, much to my other friends' amazement has actually been a success. He discussed his specialized sushi *endlessly*)

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