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GH50: September 2013 DIscussion

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Sabine's ex-boyfriend looks nothing like I expected him. He is a grown man, how did she end up in PC acting like a ten-year old after a relationship with him? I thought her ex would be a nerdy kid in the closet.

I liked this version of Sonny and Carly/Silas/Michael faces all through the episode.

Sam and Patrick were also very good together and Kika looked beautiful.

Dante and Lulu should also be at this party and so should Molly. That's the point of soap parties. That friends and family get together.

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Exactly Ant! We are to believe that this Carlos person, who is even more dreadful than Sabrina, was so in love with that pigtailed jackass? Yeah right! I remember someone posting a scene of her running thru the hospital for her life. Not sure what frightened her so, but it was so ridiculous! Sabrina arrived as a 10 year old, so there is no way I buy a prior romantic relationship between the two. Craptini strikes again. I just love the way they try to build their "stories".

As for the Sonny reveal? It was ok but sort of lacking. It didn't pack the punch that it should have and key people were missing. Mo was highly entertaining, however.

Ava's dress was hideous and Maura's oily skin is so distracting. Olivia, per usual, looked like a call girl and Starr's dress was nice, but a bit too much for the occasion. I think they should have had her hair in a low ponytail off to the right so it could drape over her shoulder. That would have fit the dress better.

Michael is so beyond dead to me because when you take out the cousin factor, this young woman was still Morgan's girlfriend. Michael has no rights here, and I hate that he is being "written" as the wronged party.

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Robin Mattson

3 hours ago ·

Hello Everyone

Thank you for all the nice comments about my recent escape. Happy to tell you theres a new story coming up which will start airing October 8. Ill be working with Roger Howarth again, which is always exciting because you never know what to expect. More surprise are in store!

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I haven't watched much this last week at all, and it sounds like I will for sure be ready to FFwd through Thursday's show, or I may just skip it all together. Don't really care to see anybody really that Andrea listed. Yuck.

And LOL at Ron already rewriting Sabrina's history. God he's awful. I've never wanted to see a character have more of a grisly exit than her. Horrible, I know, but man she just grates on my ever loving nerve no matter what. It's the way the actress plays her. And the shitty writing.

And I totally called all the players in the baby saga being entirely off-screen afterwards. Unless they were on the episodes I didn't watch yet ... typical Ron. Instead we get Mo chewing the scenery, maybe I can have a good laugh watching his scenes Friday.

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