Members KMan101 Posted September 15, 2013 Members Share Posted September 15, 2013 I didn't entirely hate Sonny/Ava either but it was sooo dragged out lol. And yeah, Duke's interest in Ava is being dragged out as well. You're right, I bet we do go a few weeks and then we see him having the SAME conversation again. It's awful. Sean Kanan is probably toast. I really hope not. I agree about the birthday stuff, totally, but at the same time, I just see this as all forced so I can't even try to give it some realism. Carlivati wants them together, and so be it, they will be. And he's using Jason (who I couldn't give a rats ass about) which is a total slap in the face. Carlivati is so transparent. It's too bad because I like Laura and Roger together and totally fell for Tarly for all of a hot minute until it was the same Todd and I was over it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members ChitHappens Posted September 15, 2013 Members Share Posted September 15, 2013 For me, the problem is that they skipped quite a few beats here, but I think that is largely due to where they wish to be by fall and November Sweeps. Both LW and Roger were off for a considerable amount of time, so there are things that have been skipped. They can't just rely on the audience to figure this out. There are key things that we must be shown. You can't just have Carly making time with a serial killer and not completely play this out. Otherwise, you get the backlash. As far as the Jason angle, this is the only route they can take to even remotely explain why Carly would be in this man's company. It makes sense. Again, the pacing is the biggest problem here. Hopefully, they can neatly get this to where it needs to be because they have my undivided attention. But for me, the most disappointing part would be how Todd is whining about his daughter w/o a mention of why the entire public s/b hating his ass. Losing a grown daughter does not compare to killing for sport, rape, kidnappings and strapping bombs to people. Ugh! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Vee Posted September 15, 2013 Members Share Posted September 15, 2013 It's not that Howarth and Laura don't have chemistry, because they do, they always did. I thought the writing for Todd and Carly was pretty formulaic and a rip-off of every other pairing they'd ever done for Todd with nothing to distinguish it and make it sing, but I thought the actors always sold it. It's that the writers are now basically actively out to insult everyone's intelligence - the other two quasi-OLTL pairings are rushed as well, but Franco and Carly is the worst of them because of who Franco is. There is no way Carly should ever, ever go near him, and yet she does, she is and it happened overnight. They've never made it work. The writers have never sold it and truthfully they can't, because Franco is a serial killer and borders on a domestic terrorist. He violated her son, everyone she loved, he's a madman. She should want nothing to do with him, tumor or no tumor. But because he's Roger Howarth they want to try and softshoe it, so they just sort of slipped around making it work in the writing in the hope that the actors can go back to selling themselves like nothing ever happened. And that won't work here. It will never work. Not really. And watching these two try to do it again only with the worst possible character combination is a real pity. IMO the logical endgame for this is that we find out in six months to a year that Franco did engineer all this, that he somehow had a piece of biomass implanted inside him to fake a tumor, that it's all been another game. But by that time, he's probably slept with Carly, I'd even have him sleep with her son (Morgan) - and then you kill him off. Nobody lets Roger Howarth really play pure evil anymore. Not in a very long time. And he's good at it. They should do it. You can always bring him back from time to time after that, like they did with the original Franco (and Helena). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members ChitHappens Posted September 15, 2013 Members Share Posted September 15, 2013 But why should Roger be relegated to just evil? Is he not capable of anything else (of course, the jury is still out on this)? This can very well be pulled off, but are Craptini the people to do it? Will they simply rely on LW/RH's chem? Once, you've taken the blame off of the character (the tumor did it), this is so doable, but it relies very heavily on how Carly is written. Like she told Liz - perhaps there is reasonable doubt here. Run with this, but at the same time, have this woman think back to what she and loved ones have endured at the hands of this man. I think LW is doing a good job with Carly's confusion and reluctance, but we are going to need more from the writing team here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Vee Posted September 15, 2013 Members Share Posted September 15, 2013 Of course Roger Howarth is capable of other things. Franco is not. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Mr. Vixen Posted September 15, 2013 Members Share Posted September 15, 2013 Agreed Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Marco Dane Posted September 16, 2013 Members Share Posted September 16, 2013 I hope I can find today's episode on YT Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Marco Dane Posted September 17, 2013 Members Share Posted September 17, 2013 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Sapounopera Posted September 17, 2013 Members Share Posted September 17, 2013 Why is Felix so annoying? He doesn't belong in any scene he is in and the actor is not charismatic enough to make such a stupid character work. He has no reason to be involved with Carly or ToddQ. Another set of scenes was ruined because of Felix. #$%^&^%$ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted September 17, 2013 Members Share Posted September 17, 2013 We're not supposed to post full episode links of new episodes. Felix - he still can't say his lines. I sometimes wonder if this guy had any acting work before GH. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members frequentsoapfan Posted September 17, 2013 Members Share Posted September 17, 2013 He has 25 credits on his imdb and some was voice work. Plus he was a lead in an indie film. He's been on GH long enough to be able to say his lines. They need to let this character go. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members ChitHappens Posted September 17, 2013 Members Share Posted September 17, 2013 Felix didn't ruin the scenes as he was part of them from beginning to end. The TIIC ruined those scenes. They were too damn silly. They are pairing Carly with a serial killer - THIS IS NO LAUGHING MATTER! I absolutely think it can be done, but without depth? HELL NO! Although I chuckled when Gayson was beating on Todd's door, I couldn't help but wonder "why is he doing that"? So that Carly can tell Todd she's not interested? Um, you can show him better than you can tell him, honey! My God! To go from those really good scenes Friday to that?! Ugh! Todd and Heather made me cringe. I know we should have been laughing hysterically, but I wasn't. They were not funny but super long scenes that I'm sure will make sense to us in about 7 months. The Jeromes are laughable. Baby Julian as a mob boss is such a joke! Anna and Puke didn't recognize him because he was 5 when that stuff was going down many years ago. GMAFB! Sam needs to move on, but on Jason's bday? Hmmmmmmm. Timing anyone? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members quartermainefan Posted September 17, 2013 Members Share Posted September 17, 2013 Todd and Heather was awful. They were discussing nothing and screaming about it. There is only so much you can say about BLTs, and I know this was an attempt at a comedy routine, but it came up far short. All actors always say in interviews that comedy is tougher to do than drama, and not everybody is as good as everyone else. Years ago the Q clan had the shtick down cold and they were fun to watch, but this was just too actors trying to be Abbot and Costello or whatever, and failing miserably. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members KMan101 Posted September 17, 2013 Members Share Posted September 17, 2013 Todd and Heather was painful. So bad. It was pretty much just them screaming and Heather's damn BLTS. I swear, do they put crack in those BLTs or something? What's with this BLT obsession Port Charles has? If this is Ronald's way of making the town 'quirky' he's failing. Always good to see Robin Mattson, it's just too bad it's this dreck. I couldn't believe we had more of Duke/Anna and Ava/Sonny. Zzzzz. I do love how Ava is so easily manipulating Sonny by relating to him on each and every level. I really think Mo's the problem. He's just so awful anymore. And can we move this Jerome stuff along even more, please? And TBH, no offense to William deVry but I'd be more scared of Maura West's Ava than him. He doesn't at all scream 'thug mobster' to me. I lol'd when Ava drop kicked the body on the pier and then knocked it in the water. You can tell Maura is loving the role. I should have posted yesterday. I think Silas/Sam were on, right? Zzzzzz. Alexis panting after Derek again. ZZZZ. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Mr. Vixen Posted September 17, 2013 Members Share Posted September 17, 2013 How did Heather get out? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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