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B&B: July 2013 Discussion Thread

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I don't think Eric's been key since about 1994.

B&B is one of those shows that I don't think ever had vets in the sense of people the show can't go on without. Stephanie was the closest, but the character was ruined about 10-15 years before Flannery left anyway.

For me Sally was the character the show just isn't the same without, but sadly we lost Darlene. I can't put that on the show. I will always miss Sally on B&B. She was the last character I had an emotional connection with.

Even Brooke, although I'll always be fond of what she was, and I think KKL tries very hard to keep the character together, they could probably go on without her.

The main problem is some of the failures with new characters. I really wish they'd do more with Dayzee. She's the only new character I see as having longevity. I think Liam and Hope could too, but not sure.

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Don't know. If I have to be honest - every single new character has annoyed me. I don't really get anything from them, I don't know if it's the acting or the writing, I just don't have any interest or sympathy for them. I REALLY miss Amber! If I have to rate them this is how it's going to be

0 - Liam - completely hate him, can't stand his face and his voice

0 - Marcus - I HATE this character! Terrible acting and so RUDE!!! - he wanted Brooke to clean her office! Who the hell he thinks he is ! angry.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png

0,5 - Hope - really bland and blah-blah, nothing interesting, BORING

0,5 - Maya - really don't like her, fast-forward everything - gives me a strong "fake" vibe.

0,6 - Carter - whatever, at least he looks good naked

0,6 - Dayzee - never felt her

1 - Oliver - He's "kinda" cute and I could see myself liking him, really bad acting btw

2 - Steffy - really grew on me! won't miss her, hated the way she spoke, just made me nervous.

2 - Thomas - not so bad as an actor ,but with scary white teeth and too "perfect" look that I don't like on men

3 - Rick - not a bad actor, but I really miss KYLE!

3 - Caroline - Sometimes I really can't stand her, sometimes I can tolerate her and even laugh, bad acting too, but kinda good bad

4 - Katie - really really REALLY annoying character, but Heather sure can scream and cry!

5 - Stallion - what can I say, HE'S HOT and he is sleazy and I'm all for it!

6 - Eric - I can't help but love grandpa Eric, just for the old times sake!

7 - Donna - the worst actress this show has even had, maybe even worse than Ronn Moss. SO BAD it's hilarious and every scene she is in I laugh! Love her for that.

8 - Pam! - God I love her, can't explain why, but I LOVEEE HER! I've recorded the Donna storyline and I rewatch it when I'm sick. So over the top and funny!

10 - THE HO OF BEVERLY HILLS! I can't help myself. I just can't. Whatever she does, I want to watch it and I want it to be as trashy and repetitive as possible. I love my Brooke and I really need her in my day.

I forgot if there were other characters.

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Yesterday's show was just heinous! Brill were lower than rat droppings. Brooke's latest Destiny was inevitable, but did it really need to leave such a sour taste? Brooke talking crap was ridiculous. Bill was ridiculous even for him, and this just sets up the 2 wronged lovers for their little fairy tale. Katie will become less than nothing [not that I care] as the audience was told that Katie is responsible for this entire thing happening and Brill are her victims.

As for the [new] characters. The black characters could fade into the walls, and not one person will notice. Dayzee's personality is in the negatives. Marcus bugs the !@#$%^&*] out of me. Calling Eric "dad" is so forced and makes him look stupid. They are really over doing it with this "Black Forrester". God, he makes me sick! He has no scenes with his mother, and I think that is for the purpose of making the audience forget that he is 1/2 white. Maya and Mr. Abs are equally boring and lack any sort of edge, which is exactly the point of all of them. None of them should rise above their station.

I think I've seen enough! Bye again BB!!!

Divine, your love for Brooke cracks me up! She is entertaining, but not that entertaining for me to continue watching.

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I thought all three were on point yesterday, but the problem is that the material DD and KKL are spouting is so heinous and so offensive to anybody who has ever had to put up with the pain of a cheating partner. I won't even touch on Bill's "I never grovel or say sorry to anybody" bullshit because that was straight-up sickening. Meanwhile, Brooke was all "I'll never be sorry enough for you... you've always judged me and my choices." That's news to me! Katie has always been Brooke's biggest cheerleader, and it made her tears look all the more fake and ridiculous because she sounded like she wasn't even really sorry it happened, just that she got caught.

Heather Tom is on a roll, probably because her material makes so much more sense and is a lot more relatable. Her explosions of anger at Bill and Brooke are cathartic for 99.9% of the audience. I just love Katie and I hope she doesn't back out of leaving Bill and kicking Brooke to the curb this time.

I really liked the Hope/Rick scenes. Hope is so much more fun to watch, and Kim Matula and Jacob Young have had the best chemistry since Day One. To the point where it is almost a shame they are playing siblings. Not that that would ever stop B&B.

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I've never had to put up with the pain of a cheating partner (yes, that I know of) and I still find this heinous and offensive. I mean, come on! These two are delusional and disgusting.

Heather Tom's roll might continue, since I've heard rumors that:

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