Members DRW50 Posted August 6, 2013 Members Share Posted August 6, 2013 My problem with Amanda's obsession is it's so [!@#$%^&*] stupid. It has nothing to do with benefiting her game. I mean, I don't blame her for trusting Elissa more than Judd, but Helen? Why would she ever trust Helen? The same Helen who's directed the house to shun every ally she ever had? And how would getting Judd out now help her when she never hears that he is trashing her or trying to get her out? Where is her game? I think that's why I can't agree with this idea that Amanda and Helen are running the house and hey let's give them the money, they're awesome. All Helen does every week since her HOH is vote out her allies and go around personally attacking them behind their back. She's sitting there right now dumbfounded as she may finally realize that she has nowhere near as much power as she has convinced herself she has. And Amanda upsets me a lot, because she has completely disintegrated as a player. She used to be on the go, full of ideas, enjoying the game. Now she is this crazy person who does nothing but spout paranoia. Seeing Andy and McCrae say that they would no longer talk game with her made me feel sad, because it shows how far she has fallen. They have to carry her now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Angela Posted August 6, 2013 Members Share Posted August 6, 2013 Helen is quieter than usual tonight as she, Elissa, Jessie and Candice chat. (Andy pops up later.) The girls think there's a boy alliance. Aaryn nearly overhears Helen mentioning they have to find a way to keep Candice but Helen's flakey on that so meh. After Candice steps out, E/J/H discuss being somewhat cool with Amanda's enforcement to a point (but Jessie knows she's the next target so she still wants Amanda gone a bit) but now they're REALLY after the boys. Helen is going to keep Spencer close to try to have say over his nominees. Jessie will do the same with Judd. Elissa's new look. She dyed GM's hair and used the rest of the product to darken her own hair. I like this group: Elissa, Helen, Candice, Jessie & even Andy and Judd. If only Andy wasn't a McManda rat and if only Judd wasn't crazy, I'd want them to go all the way. Candice made a nice but sad "keep me" speech to the girls plus Andy. She half-heartedly campaigned to Judd when he walked in: [Awaiting the posting of a picture] Amanda after the punishment: Really great dye job. If Elissa had done this before the nominations, Gina Marie would have totally let her pick her nominees, hah... Bwaha, Amanda to Aaryn: "you were a c--tball the first 3 weeks here. A c--tball. An absolute C--t." Amanda and Andy go on to elaborate. As Amanda pats herself on the back for her good behavior today, Aaryn leaves and heads to the cockpit to cry (as she still does not fully accept how awful she was/is). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted August 6, 2013 Members Share Posted August 6, 2013 Aaryn claimed she was crying because of GM being annoying, but I think that was a cover. Helen told Andy she thinks McCrae or Judd are MVP, and goes on about how dangerous Judd is, etc. I hope Andy tells Amanda that Helen thinks McCrae is MVP, just to see her stew. Jessie told Candice she's probably going, which led Candice to warn Jessie about that Helen/Elissa/Amanda/McCrae alliance Howard was so sure of. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted August 6, 2013 Members Share Posted August 6, 2013 These people are all so paranoid and so dumb. Right now most of them seem to think Judd has to go because he's a strong guy and they can use Amanda to control McCrae (Helen/Elissa) or because Amanda keeps insisting he's plotting to dominate the house (Amanda to Andy and McCrae). I'm just so sick of Amanda and Helen, and all the idiot players (including them). There is no focus on the game anymore. None. Andy says he wants Candice to stay, but I doubt that will happen. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Angela Posted August 6, 2013 Members Share Posted August 6, 2013 Candice is trying to put Jessie against Elissa and Helen when they're the little hope both girls have right now. She's still Howard's puppet and unfortunately not worth the trouble if thats how she works in an alliance. We already have one train wreck in that mini-girls alliance in Helen's mouth and UTBitis. Amanda wants Aaryn out before Elissa. She knows Aaryn wants to take Elissa out and told Andy that Aaryn is out before Elissa. Color me surprised. If Aaryn finds this out that's going to cause trouble for Amanda. Andy seems to want Amanda/McCrae/Helen/Elissa to really join forces to take him to the Final 5. He's hiding and telling information to both sides with that objective it appears. He's got them all going for Judd's eviction next. I don't mind that since Judd is so scurred of the women and ratted them out within 15 minutes of getting info the other night. Back to Candice, if Andy really wants this he can persuade Amanda. It'll just be Aaryn and GM upset and they can take either girl out at the DE barring another Aaryn or Judd HoH. It would have to be Spencer going first on Thursday followed by Judd or one of the blonds. Hopefully if this works out for Candice she stops her Howard crap (be it copying his bitterness or a vendetta for him). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members NothinButAttitude Posted August 6, 2013 Members Share Posted August 6, 2013 What Candice needs to do is readjust. She should toss Spencer under the bus to Amanda (b/c she has info as he was Howard's ally too) & get him out, making a two week deal with Amanda or even proposing a final two deal with Candice stating Amanda would beat her (a possibility) OR she'd be Amanda's biggest advocate on the jury if she makes it there. Doing all this would light a fire under Amanda to keep Candice over Spencer, and what the "queen" wants, she gets. McRae, Judd, and Andy would follow orders. Candice, even Helen and Elissa should be pitching this, especially after last night when Amanda called Aaryn a c+nt and later spilled to McRae they might need to get Aaryn out sooner b/c she no longer trusts her. There are cracks in this alliance that could be made into caverns if Candice would get off her ass and campaign along with Elissa/Helen pushing this too. Helen and Elissa need Candice to stay or neither one has a snowball's chance in h3ll of making it to final two and winning. Candice going home is game over for Helen, Elissa, Jessie, and even Judd (who is once again Amanda's target). Jessie and Elissa sees it but Helen is so effing stubborn and scared to accept it. Helen needs to get over her fear of drama/confrontation. It's going to happen, especially when jury rounds start and it becomes Helen's side v. Amanda's Blindside Spencer, GM, and Aaryn. Take another of them out at DE and the one left over (preferably GM) will be mute and weak till their time to go. Settle for Spencer now, get Amanda later. Candice needs to eliminate Aaryn/McRae first before coming for Amanda. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Angela Posted August 6, 2013 Members Share Posted August 6, 2013 IMO, Helen and Elissa don't need Candice. Right now, Amanda trusts Elissa and Helen more than the majority of the house despite multiple people plotting against Elissa and Helen in the past few days due to one or the other trying to help Candice. Amanda could easily help take them to Top 6 if she continues this iron-fist rule. Their only issue comes with DE. Those are harder to control. Judd and Aaryn's mistake with King Amanda is that they talk way too much about game with her and about 50% of it is speculation. Helen talks too much about everything but not to Amanda. Elissa and Amanda have that chill relationship where they don't really game-talk much so Amanda feels Elissa is being genuine with her at almost all times and its easy to blur the game lines in that. Candice is more of a liability at this point. Since being hit by Howard's love-stick she has been giving credibility to everything Helen says about her when it's time for Helen to throw an alliance member UTB. Helen and Elissa haven't been working with Amanda and McCrae. They've been working for McCrae and Amanda because sometimes that's what you have to do for a bit when power shifts to this degree. You ride the wave until the time comes to strike again. Elissa gets beaten down any time she tries to give an opinion in her alliance but you don't see her plotting Helen's eviction and she wouldn't have been plotting Amanda's either had it not been for her wanting to be in the alliance with one of her first friends in the house, Candice, more than wanting to get ahead with Amanda. Up to early this morning, when push comes to shove, Candice turns on those closest to her in the game in an attempt to ruin their game because she's not getting immediate gratification. Judd is a liability to on any side he's on as well. He's the most unstable male left in the game. If it wasn't for Amanda's MVP fever, I'd say he's the most unstable person in the game. Spencer is too good of a charmer/liar for any side to really trust. IMO, Jessie needs to stay with Elissa and Helen (and not listen to Candice) while Amanda, McCrae and Andy stick together. The 6 needs to stick together a little bit longer and then let the game play out. Jessie is probably one of the biggest targets for the second eviction, so a lot of her game depends on whether or not she survives that. If she survives and distances herself from Judd - if he has no power and is still in the game - or finally brings Judd completely in to the girl side - if he has power - she may have new life in the game. Really hoping GM or Aaryn (or even Judd) going on that second eviction on Thursday. Judd's game depends on what Julie reveals about MVP on Thursday, lol. Keep it a secret Jules. Amanda would still find a reason to be paranoid about him though, lol. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members juppiter Posted August 7, 2013 Members Share Posted August 7, 2013 I agree about Amanda. She WAS playing a great game and has lost her mind. But why would anyone rather see a gamebot than that? Will Kirby was not a gamebot ever and America loved him. Hayden was a gamebot and he is what is wrong with BBUS. Any power flip is gonna give us another Hayden. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members NothinButAttitude Posted August 7, 2013 Members Share Posted August 7, 2013 Angela, I'm sorry but I disagree. Helen and Elissa do need Candice to stay because they're targets after Jessie/Candi/Judd leave. And in a house with no shift in power, and Spencer weeding himself back in McRae's good graces, those two are becoming targets. They need numbers to stay afloat and survive DE. If they flip on the house and blindside, it'll cause people to scatter and pick a side with Helen greatly benefiting from it. Andy'll be in a wreck that he'll fall in line with Helen. If Spencer stays, he'll join Helen momentarily. McRae will a wreck if Amanda is evicted. GM and Aaryn will resume the spot of public enemies 1 & 2. Helen will go on having her primary alliance (Jessie, Candi, Elissa) potentially on the jury and definite numbers for her. Now earlier, GM's dumb ass had a breakdown because she couldn't spell Chicago or Amanda's name. Hilarious. This woman is dumb, ignorant, and insecure . . . this woman is going to need serious therapy and need to be on suicide watch when Nick informs her that he wants to be friends. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted August 7, 2013 Members Share Posted August 7, 2013 I don't think anyone left in the house is a gamebot. Everyone is screwed up in one way or another, except boring Andy and McCrae, who already run things. I'd rather see anyone else in power, other than that vile Helen. I don't enjoy seeing a couple who spend most of the day and night sleeping, wakes up to be waited on and spout paranoia, then goes back to sleep. The only interesting story for me now is the bizarre triangle between Jessie/Aaryn/Judd. And that's probably ending on Thursday, unless Jessie wins HOH. The rest just seems depressing and vacant. I am so tired of Helen lashing out every time someone confronts her on her big talk and points out she doesn't care about doing anything other than yammer and spew poison. I wish she would go next. She is the worst of BB. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JackPeyton Posted August 7, 2013 Members Share Posted August 7, 2013 I love your hatred of Helen even if she is one of my faves. I agree about aaryn/Judd/Jessie. I would love for spencer to go. He adds nothing. And GM next week for the same reason. I really want Jessie to win hoh. Amanda's adoption comment was the worst of the season IMO. Only GM's insurance comment comes close. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted August 7, 2013 Members Share Posted August 7, 2013 I think GM made the adoption comment. I'd rather see Spencer go too. He's boring and creepy. I also kind of hope Judd and Aaryn start making out just to see if Jessie finds out. I don't think they will though. Most likely Judd or Jessie will be gone Thursday unless Jessie wins HOH. I also wish GM could go, because her purging in the house, and the show not doing anything, greatly upsets me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JackPeyton Posted August 7, 2013 Members Share Posted August 7, 2013 Yeah it was GM not Amanda. Hard to keep track. I actually don't think Judd or Jessie will go second on Thursday. Jessie has a shot at going but people may shift when it's announced it's a double eviction. It just depends on how they all take it and who wins hoh and who's on the block I guess. How did Elissa get hair dye? They banned hairdye unless your hoh years ago I thought. That's why GM wanted to win so bad cuz they told her she can't get hair dye unless she requests it as hoh. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members NothinButAttitude Posted August 7, 2013 Members Share Posted August 7, 2013 GM was the one that made the adoption comment. In a perfect world, the next boots would be either Amanda or Spencer (preferably Amanda) with GM or Aaryn to follow. However, I'm at the point that it isn't gonna happen because of one idiotic bytch . . . Helen. This broad has the power to shift the house but won't. And why? Because I think she fears GM and Aaryn being rude to her like they were to Candice, which they will eventually. But if she keeps Candice, she'll have someone to back her when that time comes. It doesn't matter b/c Helen is f#cked after this week and everyone on Twitter and various BB forums agree. And I was going to stop watching but I'm going to continue just to see her and dumb Judd get the boot. Then I'll be done with this season till finale night. Helen evicting Candice (as I've stated) will be game over for her and poor Elissa, who wants to make the move. Hand Amanda her check already b/c after Thursday she'll have earned it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Winchester91 Posted August 7, 2013 Author Members Share Posted August 7, 2013 The bachelorette party is amazing. Trivia questions for the couple...and random Candice lying down doing nothing in another cam. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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