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So it's right before MVP nominee reveal:

They didn't call Judd to the DR last night. I don't think they even called Candice in last night. I feel like this is the DR trying to make thing a little difficult for Elissa due to her production talk as she was one of a handful called in last night.

But, but, but they did call Amanda to the DR in an unusual way. They used an in-room speaker not the loud speaker so she can still blame anybody they want.

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Amanda got nominated.

She's blaming Judd. They're also mulling over Candice. She won't think it's Elissa too much because she knows Amanda was a possible vote to keep Candice.

Judd and Spencer are playing PoV with the HoH and other nominees.

The minions are promising to use PoV on King Amanda. Judd promised to use it on her if he won. I kind of hope he wins and does so Aaryn goes up.

Meanwhile, in the cockpit, Elissa is reenacting the Gina Marie nomination speech to Candice. F--kin hilarious. I can't wait to see it.

ROFL, Amanda just deduced that even if Judd wins PoV and uses it on her HE'S still MVP.


JP, there's a significant difference between the way you think production rules the game almost every season (IMO, you can only try to manipulate contests so much and you can only totally fix 1-2 comps) and me thinking production does things to make contestants hurt a little when they're a pain in the a-- or go against the DR. They would have never shown Elissa putting the smack down on Amanda if she hadn't also insulted production for 30 minutes that night, for example.

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No, there's not really a difference but you stay trying to create that fine line and walk it if it makes you think so.

Aaryn is playing a great game. She's one of the safest people in the house. I'm so happy Judd is playing I'm the veto. I hope he wins it and I hope he doesn't use it.

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JP, it's a rather thick line that I'm standing about a foot away from it right now. No worries.

Aaryn is getting anxious because of people swearing to use the PoV on Amanda. She thinks whoever put Amanda up would put her as the replacement. Andy, more or less, had to slap Amanda and tell her not to strong-arm anybody in-front of Aaryn.

Two moments of Hilarity:

1. Andy pops-up while Judd, Amanda and McCrae talking. Judd asks him to leave. Everybody's shocked and think it's a joke. Judd, is like "seriously." Everybody starts laughing. Judd is "seriously, go for a minute." I don't think anybody has ever asked Andy to step out when he interrupts until just now.

2. Amanda called McCrae the dictator in their relationship. Hah. He told GM not to use PoV on Amanda to help balance the issue Amanda may be causing with Aaryn. Amanda did not approve.

Amanda is telling Judd to throw PoV to her if it's between her, McCrae and him. He wants to win a PoV for game standing but she doesn't care about that (his game), so he says no and they go back and forth for a while, lol.

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Just read via twitter that GM referred to Candice as "the help."

I pray to God this racist c#nt is struck by lightening when she exits the house. She might ass well jump off the Brooklyn bridge when she goes home b/c her life is over.

And Helen is such a stupid politician b!tch saying the "black vote" is strong. Um . . . whore, everyone hates your alliance. She's in for a rude awakening too.

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Sigh, These guys never do stop with the junk.

PoV is being played as of about 5 minutes ago. Gonna go out and pay bills and s--t, lol.

DR really needs to manipulate Amanda to think it's McCrae who put her up. She was telling him that DR has been asking her if everything is okay between her and McC. She asked McCrae "is there a reason why that is?"

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Amanda has lost her mind in this house. I think even McCrae is done with her at this point. If she stays on the block I think she could definitely go home Thursday. It is smart for McCrae to keep her as his "bad cop" but there's only so much people will put up with.

Everything word she said this morning was so ironically hilarious and dripping with lack of self-awareness.

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I'm going to be shaked, rattled and rolled if they don't use the conversation from last night/this morning that I paraphrased for the CBS MVP episode:

So far the theories are:

Amanda: Judd (Elissa and McCrae haven't chosen a stand but I think they're leaning Judd as well)

GM, Aaryn, Helen: Candice

Jessie: McCrae

Andy, Spencer: America

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Elissa is campaigning a little too hard for Spencer to be put up and go instead of Candice in the aftermath of this. Should have waited until after new nom was named on Monday. Might increase her target and make her the new nom.

Candice has to wear a costume of Aaryn's clown.

Judd basically gave Jessie the PoV comp. It was his to win or lose. Meanwhile, Amanda's suspicions about Judd are out to Judd.

The BBQ is tonite. Should be interesting or/and REALLY bad.

Oh shizzle, Elissa is thisclose to telling Judd the truth but she hasn't quite yet. Interesting, she gave him one name among those who were "after him" about the MVP and that name was: Helen.

Amanda and Candice got into it big-time during the PoV. Amanda called Candice by Aaryn's pet name for her which is Shaniqua and told Candice that Howard wanted his **** in [Amanda], not in Candice. I wonder if this will make it to TV?

Amanda has to be spray-tanned once a hour every hour for 48 hours. *POV

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I just listened to it. It was "Spencer has to go on the block. He will not go home."

They're having a conniption that Elissa is even daring to campaign for Candice even though she did say ultimately she'd vote with the house (if she's not a nominee). Amanda, who while upset told Aaryn that Elissa wants Candice to stay, is now s--ting her pants a little. Aaryn ran to GM with the attempt to at the very least put Elissa up as the re-nom. Amanda knows Elissa as a non-nominee will not vote her out and will campaign against Spencer which to her is better than campaigning against Amanda. There will be campaigns against Amanda with Elissa up and there's a lot of info out there to leak. Aaryn is trying to back GM out of the Elissa nomination mindset after Amanda said no, no, no to putting Elissa up.

Candice: America is going to think I'm the biggest bitch in this house.

Elissa: No, I think Amanda has you beat.

Jessie and Helen discussed taking Amanda out again but not this week. Next week. Helen hasn't ratted Jessie out, yet. They were trying to think how many of the group would be willing to nominate Amanda: Jessie, Helen and Spencer (switch out for Candice if Spencer is nominated and evicted) are solid for nominating McManda. They're going to work on Elissa and Judd (and potentially Gina Marie) but that plan begins after the Veto replacement ceremony.

Helen is trying to talk Elissa down from going against group-think with the Candice situation. Elissa is throwing out good points, so Helen is brow-beating her. It's in Elissa's best interest to group-think for a while longer. Helen also has good points. Candice has tried to throw both her and Helen (Helen deserves it) under the bus a few times.

Oh, GM has to wear one of those dog cones (the ones they get after being fixed) for 24 or 48 hours.

PoV Comp:

Candice: "Why don't you shut your big mouth?" or was it "How big of a mouth do you have?"

Amanda: "Big enough to fit Howard's **** in it?"

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This is disturbing to me. I don't know why/how BB even let this happen. Aaryn and company are waiting for Candice to come out as Aaryn's clown toy. Aaryn is practically drooling as Candice deserves this for making her life hell. Hopefully Candice is able rise above the haters here.

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