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B&B: June 2013 Discussion Thread

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That type of KKL performance and layering is the reason I was so drawn to Brooke, and through her, to B&B, many years ago. Sadly, Brad Bell has so ruined Brooke in recent years, I don't think there's going any back. I hope the shock value stories were worth it.

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I'm still trying to catch up! I'm in the episodes where Brooke and Bill first had sex and Katie is in the hospital. I'm still enjoying the show. I didn't like the idea of Brooke getting pregnant, so I'm happy to hear that was quickly wrapped up. It was a stupid twist and I don't even see the value in Katie finding out, ever. The whole story is terrible. They should've cast a new man for Brooke, put her with Jon Hensley, recast Ridge, bring back Nick or put her with Thorne or Eric. There were options. I just don't see the point in putting her with Bill. It ruined her relationship with Katie and they had to write in circles to even make sense of it. Besides, I don't even see much chemistry with Bill and Brooke.

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I really loved the scene in Steffy's apartment when she was sitting on the stairs and had that fantasy about the perfect Liam/Hope family (Barf. If that fantasy doesn't get you to love Steffy and feel more for her, nothing will). I hesitate to use this word for anything connected to B & B but it was so cinematic. Instead of the usual soap trope of talking to her self, or doing it through conversation with someone else, they showed us how she reached a point where she's starting to consider her marriage (at least I hope that was the point). It was also such a Bell-soap scene. Only on Bell soaps can a character spend two minutes starring off into space and that's because of the music: It's so engrossing, encompassing and a character on its own, that it gives it life. I cannot imagine this type of scene (and the thousands of times it has been done better in the past) on any other shows other than Y&R and BB.

Plus, they used "Mother's Plea." That is win in and of itself.

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IA completely. Although she has been largely ignored as an actress (mainly because of the role she plays), KKL has always been phenomenal. She never disappoints, never has an off day. She brings total devotion and commitment to the character and is the main reason why Brooke will never (as crazy as her plotlines get) will stop being fascinating to me.

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LOL! Hey, that is better than losing to talentless Kristen Alderson. I am surprised that the supporting actress ploy did not work. Brad put the show through the wringer to give KKL those preposterous final scenes with Susan Flannery. KKL will win one day. They eventually gave in and gave Laura Wright an Emmy for goodness sake. LOL!

So Heather has now won three Emmys for Brad, yet Katie has lost her love interest and is practically invisible in favor of middle age KKL. Nice. RME.

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