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DAYS: May 2013 Discussion Thread

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I thought the Kristen/John talk in the secret room was well-written, excellently played by ED (and I have to admit DH tried super hard too and made John close to human by the end) and almost cathartic. Well done, Days. The idea of Kristen still having a thing for Mr. Sunsweet Prunes is ick, though.

I def got Nasty Hate Sex vibes from Nick and Sami at one moment yesterday.

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I am so conflicted with Kristen. I want her to get away with everything and marry Brady. I actually think it would be better if that happened and the whole mess kept rearing its head and causing her trouble. Like Sheila Carter, she tries her best to be good, but circumstances won't allow it. In this case you can see the good in Kristen (she isn't as far gone and delusional as Ms Carter was). I just don't want her to be off the hook entirely, otherwise it will be a dull mess.

They need to drag this out more. As I want Kristen and Brady together and Jenn and Kristen as friends.

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Days really only has itself to blame for being punked like that. The strict code of one take only must be super strict to not even make an exception for a retake of the scene from above. I love it though, and hope other extras start a new trend on the show lol

Nick going after Sami for the cash was intense and I loved when he played the audio clip on his phone to Sami and her facial expression was like "Oh [!@#$%^&*]! I sold my soul and my son's soul to Stefano, tried to double cross him and it was all for nothing" was priceless.

Eileen Davidson is so amazing even if Helen Keller styles her hair and picks out her clothes for her. I love the dilemma Kristen is facing - true love and a family vs.ultimate revenge. I really hope she picks Brady, if only because the ego boost for John succeeding in bedding her would be too much to bear for that reason alone. I cannot express how much distate I have for Drake and his so called acting right now.

Kate needs to interact more with people worthy of her presence, not 2 lovesick puppies.

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it was all of 5 seconds. They could have easily edited it out. Not really something that needed to be retaped and it looks like it was left there intentionally

BTW, did anyone else think she was Gabby at first? It looks like her...lol. I loved the red head behind her looking at her like WTF?

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Damn, a couple of youtube channels that post full episode got shut down. Anyone know a channel that is still open. If so, please PM me and do not post in the threads. Thanks!

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Casey Moss is a solid actor! He's already done wariness, charm, guilt, and contemplative well and it's only been a few days.

I love that JJ isn't just back to cause trouble for Daniel and Jennifer. Yes he's wary but he's not a full on hater or planting things to discredit Daniel -- at least not yet. It's been fairly subtle and not the main focus. The stuff about his hiding being expelled for selling drugs (which he says he didn't do -- but did he?) was pretty interesting, and he has great chemistry with Abigail and Jennifer too.

I think the scene with the dancing extra was on purpose for humor. You see that kind of stuff in movies and primetime TV shows too, the wacky people in the background during a chase scene for humor. The confrontation with Bernardi was already being played for laughs in other ways too. People can be dancing in the middle of a square.

Loved Ciara's attitude and Sami's irresponsible abandonment of her. I wonder who this prisoner is that is being released.

I think the actors (apparently he's played by twins) playing Johnny are really good too. He reminds me a bit of Simon Barlow on Coronation Street in terms of how precocious he comes across. The actors for Johnny get all the emotions and lines right. I'm glad the show is keeping the Rafe/FBI jacket thread going for Johnny from a few months ago too.

Glad Rafe knows now about Nick's homophobia. It's probably too obvious for Nick to be the one who hit him with us seeing the blue shirt of the attacker just like Nick's, but then I don't think it was EJ or Stefano ordering it either (why would EJ want to attack Rafe after he finds out his son really loves Rafe so much, I don't think EJ is that twisted?) ... So I just don't know.

But even though Will stood up for himself and told Rafe about Nick, I also like that Will's compassion was still there and that he told Sonny he even feels bad for Nick.

I also like that Will and Sonny were trying to encourage Kate to get back with Rafe.

Enjoyed Eric's confrontation with John and talk with Nicole. Seems Vargas and Nicole are starting not to be so mad at each other again (which is fine with me - they were hot).

Enjoy Daniel and Jennifer being support for Bristen. Hope that continues. I agree with whoever said Daniel works well as a kind of humorous, wisecracking type character too. I agree with will81 that they should drag this out longer and it would be good for Kristen to actually marry Brady. I agree with those who have said Eileen Davidson brings a lot to this show.

Have to agree that Drake Hogestyn has not been that good, but other that, everything about DAYS right now is still awesome!

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