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AMC - Monday, April 29, 2013 Discussion Thread

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maybe but it seems unlikely as only 2 characters were absent and could have easily fit into this. Split openings are usually done when there's too many characters to be featured but at 50 seconds that's more than enough time
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I love how Opal refuses to stop calling him Petey. Thank you writers. I'm fine with Pete but like 'Petey' as well. I totally bought their relationship.

I do wonder if we'll have more than one opening.

Brooke and Adam really did seem kind of weird to me. Just a little off. Did anyone else catch Adam's somewhat gleam as AJ was wanting everyone to move on from what happened that night (with Miranda in the scene, not the first scene).

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Haven't watched OLTL yet to compare but AMC had its ups and downs.

I concur with everyone on the AJ/Miranda tip. Good combo, great chemistry, and hopefully they string the audience for a long time before linking them up. Establish their characters, their motivations, et. al.

Adam/Brooke feel flat. It was awkward, clearly both were rusty and forcing them to ask AJ about Bianca was just that, forced.

I'm not familiar with Cara or Griffin because I was out of the show by that time but Cara is hot. How her and David are paired, I don't know but who cares--always been a fan of David.

Not sold on Petey yet but I like the characterization (it seems true to life that a young, smart kid would go to Stanford, drop out, and do well in a competitive Silicon Valley considering his supposed pedigree).

I feel--again without yet watching OLTL--that AMC is for the younger, tweener set as well as soap veterans who expect storylines and characters to eschew a certain way. In that regard, it was very good. But there was no edge and the start of the Jesse/Cassandra storyline felt hollow. That could be remedied by the end of the week but just an initial thought.

No idea who's tombstone David is talking to or who is in the coma but I do like that, somehow, David was pinned as the shooter. It'll be interesting to see that dynamic play out.

It's hard to dissect this show right now when it was the first episode back. I think it'll take a few weeks of shows and inserts of scenes being shot now (and in the near future) before I get a real handle on the show and where it is headed, and I say that about most of the characters as well.

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Just watch premier episode! AMC was my first soap and I kept up with it off and on, but I gave it up after the Bianca rape. Today's episode pretty much returned AMC to what it had lost - family drama. I'm far more optimistic after viewing the first episode than I was before. So glad it's back!

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woe I didn't even think of that. I didn't think David went to jail for what happened in the finale. He'd have gone to jail for murder if that were the case but he was in for manslaughter. My guess is that he tried to kill JR and someone unfortunately ended up dying instead.
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in Brooke's dream it looked like Tad fighting JR for the gun



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29, 2013</a></blockquote>
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