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AMC - Monday, April 29, 2013 Discussion Thread

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Watching again...I thought I heard Miranda call AJ "Ace" but not sure

Written By

Lisa K. Connor

Rebecca Taylor

How do we decipher who wrote the script? Did they both or is one the editor? It seems there are no breakdown writers. Would love to get some insight on this! Toups? ;-)

Did anyone notice when Angie was talking about her "Incredible" family she said Frankie, Natalia, Cassandra...and, oh that's it.

What about Randi? LOLZ. That's sad. Remember when she wasn't even included in the Hubbard family shots that capped off the 40th anniversary ep? Damn

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The cutting on this is very tight, edgy and modern.

Internet Killed The Video Star just had me white boy dougieing on my couch at 7:30 AM.

That opening - which needs work - still looks a helluva lot better on a TV. It's very akin to a lot of the MTV reality show openings. I don't care for the design, but the background and the song are just fine. It's the layout and FX which need a bit of fixing. But it looks a lot better in HD and on a decent screen. It's the only thing I can complain about so far!

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More thoughts. Man David's scenes were epic. So vague though; I'm dying for details!

I hope there is a different area of the high school set besides AJ & Miranda's locker area.

Somehow I enjoyed the Adam/Brooke scenes more the second time (& after reading EnglishTeas post! Good points)

Jessie & Cass must've gotten really close over the years because IIRC, she was not a big fan of his the last we saw.

I don't know what's cheaper - the new opening FX or Cassie's phone. LOL :P

Chris Goutman did a stellar job w/the location scenes especially Celia & Pete's

Thanks I think that's cool!

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Pete and Opal were so great together! Opal really felt like the highlight of the whole episode. And it doesn't hurt that Pete is so cute.

Loved AJ/Miranda/Hunter, even though we've been there, done that. Very good chemistry once again. (But the guitar thingy at the beginning of each HS scene NEEDS to go! I felt I was watching a Disney sitcom).

I nearly died when Angie referenced how big Jesse's penis is. Loved their scenes in general and didn't expect the Cass twist at all.

However, I was not impressed with the lighting and directing at all.

I'm just not going to say anything about those opening credits laugh.png

All in all, I think they set things up marvelously. Hopefully they'll keep it up!

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Is there a clear shot of Eric Nelsen's ass I missed? I'm at the last commercial break (paused to talk to a friend). All I saw was him walking just by the camera as Miranda pulls the towel.

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OMG! I can't believe AMC is back! I loved it, even without my beloved Erica!

The teen scene... I am so blown away. This is the by far the best teen scene AMC has had in YEARS. AJ and Miranda are just amazing. It felt SO real and not stiff or scripted. Miranda ignoring naked AJ and saying, "Yeah, can we make this about me now?" was SO Erica! Miranda dear, your mother's mother would be so proud of how you've turned out. I cannot wait to see more of AJ and Miranda! Loved seeing AJ interact with Adam and Brooke too.

Brooke did seem kind of stiff, which was disappointing.

They definitely made it seem like Tad is among the dead. I hope that's not the case, but I guess we'll see.

In the preview, Bianca made reference to "your sister" so apparently Gabby is not looking for skis in the Martin attic with Bobby.

LOVED David's return. I can't wait to see more of him!

To me the breakout stars of the first episode were Vincent Irizarry, Denyse Tontz and Eric Nelsen, with Jill, Rob and Jordan coming in behind them.

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