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Tyler Perry's 'Haves and Have Nots' on OWN


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Crusty Celine's ass got paid $275,000 a year to be a maid? DAMN. I dont understand why she continued to be a maid. Id just collect the checks and go about my business. Man the thirst is real with her asking Jim to have sex with her


Hannah has some nerve calling Veronica an old ass woman. Bitch, you older than her


Maggie's ass is thirsty. You know she wants to be David's First Lady


The actor playing Wyatt is awful. The character was raped but I felt nothing by his reveal. He doesnt play a rape victim convincingly. It was like someone never paid him back $20. Very little emotion

Edited by Cheap21
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Benny is 23? In what world? So is Candace supposed to be his big sister bc I thought it was the other way around


I love Veronica's wigs. I live for her shade as well. That  bitch, Maggie, was begging to get punched


Mimi from All My Children reminds me of Lisa Nicole from Married to Medicine Jim is f--ked up screwing Crusty Celine on her couch. No wonder she's so thirsty. Doesnt she have a husband? The delusional chick thought she was going back to work just bc she gave up the p-ssy


Hannah about to get custody and she dont even have a house to live in.

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I cant stand Hannah's bitch ho ass. Im ready for Candace to just snatch her wig....literally


"Everytime I try to forgive you..." Since when has she ever tried to forgive Candace? Didnt she say she wishes she was dead a few seasons ago?


The little robot playing Q the kid, cant act


Dang, Oscar or shall I say Brandon was playing Candace. Didnt see David doing that


The finale would have been great had we see Jim's plan enacted. WTF was the point of setting it up for the finale if not have it carried out through the end?

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Maggie is captain save a ho. That's right Maggie destroy Veronica while she's in jail.

Landon, Wyatt, Jeffrey, and Candace all need to be in the cover up of Quincy murder.


Wyatt go live with Candace & Jeffrey. They need help over there.

David don't deserve but he just let things happen without standing his ground. First with John schemes then what he let Veronica get away with.

David going crazy talking about his love for his crazy wife. & this why David deserves going to jail.

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