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GH 50: Discussion for the Month of April - May 3, 2013

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Anna handing Britt her ass wub.png:wub:wub.png .

Olivia wub.png:wub:wub.png.

Molly's song wub.pngwub.pngwub.png .

WTF on not seeing Quiz perform, but YAY they kissed! wub.png

I can't with Sabrina singing, but I DID like seeing the cast joining together at the end.

So it looks like we won't actually see Michael and Brenda bang each other, just the catfight between her and Carly afterwards. It's the little things, people **sigh of relief**. laugh.png

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I thought it was cool they used the ICD-9 codes to diagnose her.

That was my favorite part today!

Yeah, it seemed like she'd say Robin, but apparently Sabrina hasn't been pimped enough lately.

That would've been the ideal ending, imo.

I thought it was nice to have everyone singing together, but it would've been better if Lucy had started the song.

I almost forgot about the Llanview 3. I've found the past 2 weeks much more enjoyable without them.

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Oh sh-t. Was NOT expecting that twist from Britt. I thought she was going to reveal that Robin was alive. This bitch is SO dramatic and over the top. I LOVED every minute of it. I wonder if she really is pregnant though or if that's a pillow. She got big awfully fast. When did she and Patrick start sleeping together? Wasn't it after New Years? She's big for 3 months

ETA: So she confirmed that she is 3 months pregnant. Women do NOT show like that, this early and not as big as she was. She looks more 5-6 months

Felix: "Do you need bail or an alibi? Not judging, I just want to be prepared" laugh.png

Olivia's act? Boring, awful and a complete waste of time!

So Im guessing AJ and Liz are officially a couple now


LOL....this bitch. Too funny

Oh please let Starr never come back.

So no controversy today over Monica and Tracy jumping into an act last minute? Speaking of which, I hate that they skipped Monica and Bobbie reuniting onscreen


Again, why is this thing so small? Overall the NB was lame. I wish they had spent more of the budget on it bc it looked and felt cheap and poorly produced

And of course the Ball ends with praising St. Sabrina. Unf--king believable

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