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GH 50: Discussion for the Month of April - May 3, 2013

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I agree. I wanted to kick her in her horribly chopped up hair. This must be one of the times of day the broken clock is right. This is why our opposites attract... because if you love Carly and I hate Carly on the same day, clearly she's being true to form.

ETA: LW Carly. I loooooooved me some Carly Benson, which LWCarly is NOT!

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Like I said before, it seems way too similar to what the last regime was going to have happen to her, and it seems to make zero sense that this regime would go that route. Especially since most of their praise has been that they're not like the last regime. So why would Carlivati write a story Guza would've written when he's riding high on the praise that everything he's doing is what Guza WOULDN'T have done. That's the only reason I call BS on this "spoiler"/rumor. Like I said, I'm well aware of the fact that I'm giving RC undeserved benefits of numerous doubts.

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Im surprised she busted Brenda so soon! Carly of the past would have waited till the Nurses Ball and then publicily humiliate Brenda as she exposes her lie in front of everyone. And before this she would be taunting Brenda and making her uncomfortable without revealing what she knew
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Except for Elizabeth Page, nope!

Katherine Schock, Kate Hall, Scott Sickles and Suzanne Flynn have no prior history to writing dialogue for the General Hospital characters.

Carlivati got rid of ALL, I repeat, ALL of the scriptwriters who've been writing for GH the last 16+ years. Getting rid of Michele Val Jean, who has been writing scripts since the Labine days, was the first sign of incompetence as far as I was concerned.

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I have said before that I like Sabrina overall, and I actually DO think she looks really pretty in her dress, but dear God, the stuff with Noah--OH MY GOD, STOP. Even I have my lines.

Not to mention I'm starting to react to her the way I react to Lunatic Moodswing over on OLTL, which means I may still have hope. wink.png

Also, it has to be said:


...Sorry, I have a REAL phobia over them, and I can't bear to look at them for very long. **shiver**

Bobbie mentioning BJ to Maxie today got to me, though. sad.png

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