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GH 50: Discussion for the Month of April - May 3, 2013

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BYE ETHAN! You aren't needed, were never needed, so don't come back!

Can't believe that Luke shot Helena w/out securing Lulu's whereabouts. I was happy he did it and just knew he would tell Laura "Helena has no idea where Lulu is, she's just screwing with us". But noooooooooo! This idiot has no idea he killed his only lead? When I saw Luke's face, I wanted to shoot him. I know we were supposed to be in shock and awe, but it was just dumb! It's bad enough the script writers don't communicate, but are 2 different people writing the same scene with 2 different ideas? My god!

Sonny got major points yesterday! He really had Brenda's number. Brenda Brenda Brenda!!!! Sigh. But V is wearing the hell out of that dress. The black hosiery? Not such. I would have loved to see some nuetral tone shoes with that dress or even black heels. Brenda and Jax just make less sense. I don't see the point outside of getting Carly flustered.

Jax - this doofus is not even Jax. Even when Carly was at her worst with him, Jax was never this thick! Can't imagine he and Brenda have real conversations about anything because he would have to get a clue that Brenda does not really want him and will settle to either get under Sonny's skin or not have to go through the trouble of finding love elsewhere. Jax is too good for this storyline/plot pointed chit!

Carly - say what you will but that was the most entertaining she has been as an individual character in a very long time (the sap who couldn't see her hand in front of her face was not and will never be Carly!). I was cracking up at the transition from Jax being THE ONE to Carly spazzing about Brenda. It became so evident that Carly didn't care so much about a reconciliation with Jax as she was about Brenda not having him. Then going over to Sonny's house with such glee as she listented to Brenda hang herselfwub.png I got a huge kick out of that!

The dancing Russian? You can tell Frank just wants to nail this guy, which is why he's giving him so much to do. He needs to go now!

Liz and Patty - wasted opportunity. And now a guy who is less than a day player is propping Sabrina? REEEEEEdiculous!

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The whole Maks/Sam thing is their 'clever' tie in to DWTS obviously, but it falls flat because it isn't Val, first off. Even with him it's really not needed. Sam gyrating and acting all shocked she got it right. Gimme a break! LOL And on top of all that, if Val wasn't available, they should have just scrapped it.

Carly was indeed fun yesterday.

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I'm seeing Brenda, finally, but the writing is still not doing her many favors overall, but I quite enjoyed Carly dropping her bomb and Jax ripping into her. That was fun.

But on the other end, let's have Maxie, Olivia, Felicia, Anna, Bobbie all together and then focus MORE on Sabrina. Really?? Yes, I'm aware they all had some moments, but seriously. It's the Sabrina show. I really wouldn't dislike her so much if the show wasn't all about her. Please make it stop!

As much as I love seeing all of them, Kevin, Lucy, Duke and Mac were pretty much filler IMO. I liked Mac encouraging Duke in regards to Anna.

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LOL...Brenda is still calling Carly "That Woman". With that said, she is such a lying bitch. LMAO at Carly dropping her bomb and then walking off

Noah propping Sabrina :rolleyes:

Anyone notice that Sabrina's hair has been looking really good lately? Its straightened and not that frizzy, awful mess

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