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Bieber meltdown watch - attacks British paps


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I don't think its fair to judge him bc its hard to know exactly what it is like to be a superstar unless you are one. He's huge and has people following and trying to get to him wherever he goes. The paparazzi are awful and the British ones are especially the worse. Rude, have completely no regard for privacy and don't think twice about putting the stars they chase in danger to catch a picture and get a story. Just last year there was that crazy fanatic that hatched a murder plot against him. Now he actually has to think about who is around him at all times whenever he is in public. I do not blame him for being on edge, especially when the person was intimidating him. His life must be great but also suck at the same time bc of all the bulls--t he has to deal with which we wont ever have to worry about
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I can not and will not fault a celebrity for how they react to the paparazzi. If a guy is standing outside my brick lee calling me a "[!@#$%^&*] !@#$%^&*]" I'd want to scrap, too. You can say that it "goes with the territory," but that doesn't make it any less annoying or enraging, I'm sure.

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The scene is odd to me, because I mostly saw people standing around until he started pushing. I'm sure they have been very difficult on many occasions, but this one felt like it was mostly from his side.

I think his people put too much on him, but there's been so much going on with him lately that seems like more than just the pressures of celebrity life. Either he's courting a new image or he's heading for a breakdown.

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LMAO he seems like such a little !@#$%^&*]. The guy called him a prick and he's flying off the handle trying to act all tough but he looks and sounds like a little bitch. :lol: :lol: It's just funny because it's painfully obvious that he did that for attention...You know paparazzi have said worse to him. He wanted attention. "The !@#$%^&*] you say? I'll beat the !@#$%^&*] out of you". says the scrawny lesbian to the 300 pound paparazzo. rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif

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ITA, but there's a difference between Bieber and a celeb who really could and really would do something. I think that's what's annoying me here. Him trying to look big and bad when he knows good and well he would never really step to somebody without his boys there.

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I don't know... there's something really off about this. He might be entering child-star-all-grown-up meltdown mode or this might be some ridiculous PR stunt to portray him all grown up and manly and other such nonsense. Not totally out of the realm of possibility... quite the opposite.

But I prefer the meltdown theory :lol: Time will tell

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He knows he wasn't ever going to fight that person, mainly because he would have been crushed badly, so that was a punk move. With that said, the paparazzi is a nuisance, but I think some celebrities don't always maintain as much anonymity as they could and get as much of the confrontations as the paparazzi does. I might be wrong about that, but I believe that some stars are not as irritated by the paparazzi as they would let on and view them more as an adversary to manufacture confrontations with for publicity.

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Bieber is becoming a mess LOL. I'm so over him (not that I was ever into him to begin with) and ready for him to go away.

I've heard through the rumor grapevine that his collapse on stage (off-stage? whatever) was lack of oxygen due to him and his group popping adderalls. But I'm probably late to that rumor mill as I often avoid much to do about him. Why is he always shirtless too? He's becoming obnoxious to me.

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There was a pretty poignant profile of him in Vanity Fair or something last year where the writer who followed him around for a few days all but says that Bieber has had virtually no time to process his late adolescence, let alone adulthood, and is clearly in a weird headspace where he doesn't know whether he's a child or an adult, or what he wants, let alone how to articulate it.

I can never judge the kid too harshly, because the fact is he was reared in this bubble, and often he's simply making a bunch of naive or immature statements or stunts from within a hermetically-sealed environment where he's not had much opportunity for a real education or life experience. And then suddenly he was catapulted into being hyper-sexualized as well - I mean, the difference from his initial image is striking. Sure, he seems to push that envelope himself - what else would he do? What else has he been taught?

I hope he turns out okay, but I'm not betting on it.

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Bingo! You got that one totally right. Celebs act like Papparazzi are such a pain to them, yet they still frequent all the celebrity hangouts, go to all the places "To be seen", etc. If they went out to dinner in downtown Wichita, Kansas, and not Beverly Hills, there would be no photogs. And when the Papparazzi ARE around, just smile and wave for about 10 seconds, and get in your car. The stars that are cooperative aren't harrassed by them.

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