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Bieber meltdown watch - attacks British paps


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This seems to be a week of psychosis for vanilla pop acts I usually ignore.

Bieber has been doing us proud in the UK this past week - showing up hours late for a concert (on a school night), the next night having some fainting spell, and today, trying to play the big man with the British press, who, for those out there who might still believe everyone in the UK just got off of Masterpiece Theater, will chew you up and spit you out. As they did with Justin.

My jaw dropped when he actually got out of the car to try to be tough guy. What the hell is he trying to prove? I just can't stop watching this. Phil Mitchell is about to whoop some ass.


If you're going to dress like Parappa the Rappa, at least have some of his manners.


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It's embarrassing but it's more attention than I've paid to this person in his entire career. Some think this was all a big PR stunt and he's trying for a tough guy image. If he is then someone needs to tell him to stop dressing like a Smurf. He makes Vanilla Ice seem tough.

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Like you Carl, I had to watch this a couple of times this morning (hoping each time the bodyguards would let him go and the pap would hand him his scrawny ass). All that talk about his "haters" at that award show... this is hater-making material. You can't look and act that obnoxious and expect to be embraced by anyone who isn't a female adolescent stan.

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I agree that the paparazzi are lowlife scum but it looked like Justin made a point to push the guy when it wasn't really necessary.

If I could beat one pap's face bloody it would be the piece of [!@#$%^&*] who yelled, "Vanessa (Redgrave), how do you feel?" as she walked into the hospital to say goodbye to her comatose daughter, Natasha Richardson.

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His behavior was bizarre, especially that weird military crawl out of the hotel. He seemed to be looking for a fight.

This is something SNL would have feasted on back when it actually gave a damn.

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Shoving people and posturing just because he knows his bodyguards will protect him - I wouldn't say it was "wrong," but either seems like a cry for help or a PR stunt. A lot of this week has seemed that way, complete with his decision to go around wearing a gas mask. Maybe he's just a big fan of that Doctor Who episode.

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