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OLTL: The Prospect Park Era (old production thread)

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The Edge of Night and Capitol were successes. Edge went of because of low clearances and Capitol went off with good ratings to make room for Bill Bell's B&B, I'm still slightly resentful of both instances. Hmmm, now that I think of it Search For Tomorrow left CBS with decent ratings to make room for Capital. Damn, I hate TPTB at CBS daytime.

...but I digress, I agree, if AMC and OLTL are very successful, I'm pretty sure others will come about.

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I think they will recreate them as best and as identically as they can for sure. I mean, they COULD have just taken the lazy way and say things were re-arranged or even remodeled but they're clearly putting the effort into the sets just as much as everything else.

Wrong thread but I was watching the last episode of AMC and some of the View tribute and it just reaffirms how happy I am that these shows are coming back. And on my birthday LOL. Seeing Agnes crying at the end of the View for AMC broke my heart all over again.

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I can't watch that again specifically because of how she looked during that whole show.

I do think there's a real market for reinventing a couple classic soaps - specifically Edge of Night, whose brief and potential speaks for itself as there are a great many popular shows just like it actually on TV today which aren't daily serials - and also GL, the oldest, historical, a piece of quintessential Americana much like AMC, and one of the most versatile shows around. But first this would have to succeed. If it does, people will start poring through the back catalog.

I do think the singular focus or format that shows like EON or SFT had - opening up a world around a series of exciting mysteries, or a single character's journey - is also something that has never died, just changed formats to telenovelas or teen dramas. I don't know if SFT itself is viable, but I do think something very much like it is.

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I totally agree that a main focus is key. There's no reason why some old soaps couldn't be revisited in network primetime. They don't have to tie themselves to the original soap as far as using the same title, constantly referring to the original series, etc, but look at how Revenge was born out of The Count of Monte Cristo. Something like Love of Life, a tale of two sisters - one virtuous and the other not-so-much, could so easily be remade today.

And because it can't be said enough. It's time for a 21st century Peyton Place. It is time.

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She might have said the "tea with Jesus" thing as a riff off of the country song that goes "If I could have a beer with Jesus," they'd talk about certain things, like how he was able to turn the other cheek. Do you know if that was the origin, Golden Duck?

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