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AMC: The Prospect Park Era (old production thread)

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The thing is most GH fans don't want any Amc or oltl on their show. OLTL on GH flops what makes GH pop is GH fan faves garnering great ratings. GH is getting great buzz and ratings. I doubt abc does anything with them. The only I could see is maybe make them summer telenovelas.

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See, I wondered about that - if ABC did get the rights back and by some strange miracle wanted to produce the show again (doubt it would ever happen), would they consider what happened on PP's version of the show canon and start from there, or would they start from their own ending from 2011?

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I personally don't like Ron/Frank's storytelling. I do, if just purely out of spite, think they might bring on a few AMCers.

Realistically, I only see Debbie Morgan, Darnell Williams and Vincent I. as possibilities, and I'm sorry for their fans because only the soap gods know how they will be destroyed.

As far as the shows happening on ABC again, while I would never say never, it is extremely doubtful. If it was even a possibility, it would only make sense financial sense if they picked up with the studio and sets already purchased by PP - to rebuild would be too expensive and to make the shows work at all without completely alienating the audience, they would realistically need to be East Coast based. AMC might be able to work West Coast, but not OLTL.

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If the shows don't get picked up by anyone(and I doubt they do, but I still hold out on my Netflix fantasy<g>), I just want the characters to be left alone. I HOPE Ron and Frank don't get any ideas!

Even if one or both shows were picked up by another production company, I wonder how many of the actors would be willing to go for round three?

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The shows weren't unsuccessful on Hulu and Itunes, just not successful enough. Same with OWN.

If ABC were truly looking at AMC/OLTL, either as a hybrid hour show or two half-hour shows as a replacement for Katie, then they would have just made a deal with PP, IMO.

PP had already done most of the hard work with hiring cast, writers, crew and staff, finding a reasonable priced production studio and re-habbing it, building the sets, etc.

This is the biggest reason I don't see the shows ever being on ABC again. If they aren't willing to make a deal, and shoulder some of the costs when pieces are in place, it doesn't seem from common sense business practices, that they would start all over again.

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  1. @debbimorgan it's not on you. You just had faith in what you were told. PP needs to come clean, explain money and communication issues.

@ClaudineGandolf Well not sure any of us will ever get the full explanation. But I must say I think PP really did give a valiant effort...

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