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AMC: The Prospect Park Era (old production thread)

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ATTN PLZ! In My Opinion: 1) Whatever transpires #ProspectPark #OLTL #AMC I believe #PP BELIEVED & INVESTED in us & deserve RESPECT for that!

2) DUH ME-I JUST learned that some #Twitter peeps are NASTY-BULLYing good & well-meaning people? How MORTIFYING? I'm embarrassed & saddened

3) DUH ME deux: only last week did I figure out how to "visit" & "check-in" on "conversations" eeuw- Now I know..what am I going to do now?

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You know this aspect doesn't really bother me. Granted, I was one of the fans who said I didn't want a finale that wrapped up too much. These are continuing stories, and I'm fine with having it in my head that they are still going on in their own little world. If PP is done, than we got a nice little epilogue.

And you woulda been thrilled to have Emmy WInner Jean Passanante write the finale :P

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When PP tried and failed to revive AMC and OLTL the first time around two years ago, they gave out a press release immediately saying they were shelving the shows due to lack of funding, and PP has yet to give out a press release this time, which I think means that they haven't given up on the shows yet!

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I wonder if they would make any money putting the much older episodes online. Do they have the rights to all of the episodes? It seems it would be free money to put them all online and rake in whatever advertising $$ they can. I bet a lot of people would love to take a walk down memory lane and watch some of the older stuff. Not to mention the newer viewers would like to see the history they've only heard about. I don't know if it would take too much manpower to actually have the shows put online though. It's just a thought that I would love to see happen. Then again I would probably never be able to stop watching. I don't really watch the old stuff on youtube only because the quality isn't good.

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Soaps are about continuing stories but many of them come to a permanent or temporary resolution at some point before the next problem or story comes along. I personally prefer that they end at the point where things are more or less resolved. I don't think cliffhangers are needed to get the sense that these characters lives are continuing.

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I have been saying for years that TPTB would make a killing releasing old episodes form the 70s a dollar a piece of I tunes. Or even a 10 dollar package for 20.

I have been saying for years that TPTB would make a killing releasing old episodes form the 70s a dollar a piece of I tunes. Or even a 10 dollar package for 20.

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I liked the cliffhanger on ABC and the one on PP. I like the idea that the shows go on, the stories and people. Do I like that PP left it that wide open in so many stories without a resolution, no, but they had intended to pick that up.

But I've given up predicting the final demise of those two shows. I think sooner or later - possibly sooner - we will see them again in some way, shape or form and some of those questions will be answered or at least put to rest.

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