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Worst Soap Stan Wars of all Time?

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Have we mentioned "Crassiebella" yet? I hate to mention this without reading all the posts first, but...

One fan of Danny and Michelle (GUIDING LIGHT) was so upset about Danny's pairing with Cassie (Laura Wright) that he/she/forget who created a Big Bird-like voodoo doll that was supposed to represent Cassie/LW. According to one, much-talked-about story, Paul Anthony Stewart, who portrayed Danny, was shown the doll at a fan event and was, understandably, horrified.

And can you believe, too, the bitch who made that doll had the nerve to go on the Internet and brag about it?

For me, though, no "war" ever got uglier than that between Sonny/Brenda and Jax/Brenda fans (GH). As I've said numerous times, scores of message boards remained stained with the blood spilled over that jihad.

ETA: Did I really type "Sonny/Jax"? OMG, I did.

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It's about as sexy as sticking your tongue between your teeth and lower lip. (Remember when Nancy St. Alban used to do that on an almost daily basis? Good Lord.)

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There is some truth behind the comments about TJS and DF. Neither were leads on the show. And every fan wants airtime and story for their fave. While it does come off as a knock on TJS and DF and for some, it may have been. I think that the underlying issue is that it was not in her best interest as far as airtime and SL goes to be paired with Christian or RJ...And this from a die hard RJ fan. Shucks, even TJS complained about the Vegas getting story that was originally slated for Gannons and how they were more acceptable. So eh...

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That's really not the point. The point was it was a weird fanbase strategy designed solely to keep her posted with every possible leading man regardless of story, chemistry or whether it made any sense. It was like their cracked-out version of fantasy football. And at that time, DF/Cristian was considered a leading man on the show. He just wasn't as "big" as Michael Easton, so the nuttier Van fans turned on him like Donald Sutherland at the end of Invasion of the Body Snatchers. I mean, if you're her agent, great, but how does that help a character looking for a real identity on the show to just throw her at any guy based solely on his episode count?

In the end, IMO, that fan intra-warring was at least a small part of what cost Evangeline her place on the show. The fanbases were so split and divided, warring amongst themselves, and the show kept reacting too much to all the discordant feedback; they had no throughline for her character and no clue where to go. REG, to her credit, seemed to realize she had a good pairing that was being tossed away, but she didn't have a hand in the creative process. I think part of it is that they'd never truly developed Evangeline as anyone beyond a stock heroine and Dena Higley's avatar, IMO - she was all things to all people, perfect, and whenever Renee would speak up and suggest more layers and shadings to the character, that never materialized onscreen. I always thought she was a lot better when she had something a little spicy to play. But she almost never did after her first year or so on the show. I was beyond thrilled when that role was announced in 2003 and I thought she could do all sorts of things, but the character just never clicked into place for me.

And it's Timothy D. Stickney.

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Really? I'm not disputing what you're saying, VH, but that was not my impression at all. From what I saw, it seemed as if Sonny/Brenda fans saw Jax as some uber-slick Eurotrash interloper (which is strange, since Jax is, you know, Australian?) coming between "their girl" and the only man who could ever truly understand her, while Jax/Brenda fans adored Jax's perceived sophistication and felt Sonny was little more than a low-level hood who'd bring Brenda only sorrow and gunshot wounds. (This was, of course, was before Sonny shot Carly in the head.)

Then again, maybe I was looking in the wrong places. laugh.png

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How long has that been his name on twitter (that hasn't always been that has it?)...so I had to go look and haven't in a long while...what is up with him and all this rap stuff about Tupac and the movie Coming to America...is he trying to steal DG's thunder with the black female fans or something (Not saying that he can't or shouldn't like those things because I think that every person in the world between the ages of 32 and 50 regardless of nationality or race have affection for Tupac but because it is him, I find it suspect)...

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