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GH: Discussion for the Month of January

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I'd love to know which people you're referring to because I haven't seen a single comment that has echoed that false statement. If anything, folks are complaining that Slagbeast is being written like Blair or that Slagbeast is a bootleg version of Blair - both of which are valid complaints.

Even Stevie Wonder can see this.

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I'm willing to bet Roger doesn't feel this way. Because fans want him shackled to one pairing for the remainder of his life, Todd/Roger should be shipped off to an internet show and make less money?

Not sure we want to conitinue to completely pin the death of Daytime on the Management.

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Nellie Olsen didn't turn on Kassie. He took a step back and realized that he needed to be supportive of a live show as opposed to a dead pairing. These few remaining "journalist" need the soaps to do well and that can't happen if they are actively encouraging fans not to watch (support their favorite pairing). That's nonsense, and even an idiot like Branco had to finally realize that.

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The only reason anyone cares is because Roger Howarth is one of the only men on the show who doesn't look like he just staggered out of a Golden Corral. The character of Todd Manning, whatever that means (beyond rapist), is long gone, probably has been since the late 90s.

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That's not saying a whole lot.

I think this type of material suits Howarth - wacky, kooky, with a hot bod, who sometimes goes nuts but never anything too serious. As a dramatic actor, he's never done a lot for me. Even the first few years I think most of his appeal was based on people wanting to have sex with him.

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