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HOLIDAY MIRACLE: Prospect Park Back On Track To Revive AMC and OLTL

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RSW hadnt reached a deal when ABC stopped Prod so They filmed a scene where Bo goes to get the car for Destiny but is stopped by someone and they take bo away. RSW said it was gonna be someone who knew Bo & it wasnt a kidnapping but this person needed Bo's help

Story wise yes, but do they want the job? If Marlene is true, I hope we get addie Walsh, Rebecca Taylor. Someone with AMC exp

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What Woods said was that that scene was filmed as a possibility, but only if he hadn't made a deal with PP to continue to appear in some capacity. It was not at all set in stone that that's what was going to be Bo's filmed "ending" on ABC if the PP show had gone on. It was there as insurance if he couldn't make a deal, and I think he would have.

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I can say I don't mind the supportive tweets. The thing about her that bothers me is that she has (or had) friends on the inside and she's yet to do something creatively behind the scenes... all the while continues to preach. True, she gave us the pure gem of Zombie Dixie during the final months of AMC, but if she has all of this "knowledge" and faith in the genre, why not DO something with it. How are you friends with Chris Goutman, but don't find out how to get involved with producing? How are you surrounded by a community of actors and not venture into doing an Eden Riegel or Crystal Chappell (regardless of what one might think of the work) and figure out a way to do something online yourself? To me, it just feels like someone else is doing something, the fans judge and criticize and then she sits on high and wags her finger at both parties lecturing them on what should be done and/or what is being done of which the critics are unaware.

Then again, I don't know her. I could be wrong. Maybe she could be trying to do some creative things. I mean, after all... Blue Giltter Fish, anyone...? :mellow:

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No, they're all too old anyway. If they bring on any black people it'll probably be Destiny and Sean!

I like how supportive Cady's being too. I think she does care about the industry even if she's made some questionable career decisions in the past (assuming she did request to be paired with Thorston Kaye).

You probably don't know it if you don't follow her on Facebook, R, but she recently posted that she just finished writing a book, so at least that's something creative she's done.

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I don't know what this is referring to. But I know it can't be good.

Meanwhile, I really need to stop expressing my love for R Sinclair for coming back. You my boo, boo, and you (and Vee) always says what's got to be said. Big ups!

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