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GH: December 2012 Discussion Thread

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2010-2011 scarred me so badly (and ultimately drove me from the show) that I'd have to see Ron show and prove that he can do right by Brenda. The jury's still out about AJ since I believe that we're still in the honeymoon period (again, me not being able to fully trust in what's seemingly in front of me right now is due to me still being scarred from showkiller Guza's horrendous tenure), but I'll agree that both Anna and Robert have gotten better writing than the farce (and I'm being kind here) that were their previous stints on GH (from what I heard, Night Shift 2 actually cared enough to do right by them).

While I didn't think that Brenda was ruined (and have yet to understand how or why she was hated in the first place), the horrible way that she was treated onscreen along with the equally rancid plots that were served to her were absolutely disrespectful to her character and her fans, IMO. The very idea that Sonny would choose the Slagbeast over her while the roided goiter had the nerve to denigrate her for having the nerve to be loyal to her friend, Jax (especially when everyone else inexplicably turned their backs on him in favor of the Slagbeast) was absolutely unforgivable - all the more reason why I'm with you in believing that her character deserves a better ending than the crap that was served to her last year.

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I have no problem with her siding with Jax over Sonny and Carly over the custody thing. That is something Brenda would do and Sonny knows this. What I do have a problem with is the blink and you miss end to Sonny and Brenda after 20 years of on and off angst. Sonny treated Brenda like crap (which is sadly in character for him), but Brenda would have fought harder for the marriage. I mean, mygirl practically stalked Sonny for a year when he was married to Lily and she GAVE UP on their marriage in, like, two days? Not buying it. I am not saying Sonny deserved her especially after 10,000 kids and just being a general asshat for a decade and half, but Brenda would have fought harder.

And for God's sake, if I had to hear Brenda was 'emotionally fragile' one more time I was going to start throwing Sonny's barware. Guza didn't understand that a weak, emotionally unstable character that we are told is super awesome does not make rootable heroine. Brenda used to BE awesome. It didn't take a village to prop her. And every man on the canvas lusting after her was justhuh.png .......

I don't get the massive hate her 2010 return brought, either. The entire show sucked and Brenda at her worst was still more likable than 3/4 of the cast. Guza was just super lazy with her return and wanted to put his new favorite pet (Dante) with his old favorite pet. It was ridiculous and you could tell Vanessa Marcil checked out about a month into her return when she realized the crap she was being dealt.

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Oh, I had no problem with Brenda being a good friend (and apparently the only decent one in town) to Jax whatsoever - contrary to what the show was trying to have me believe. Neither did I have a problem with Brenda leaving Sonny's ass behind. While I completely understand what you're saying about her giving up on her marriage to him so easily (and would completely agree with you if Sonny wasn't such a pathetic shadow of his former self), the alternative would've been her playing second fiddle to his messiness and one thing Brenda does not and will never do is play second fiddle to anything and anyone (with the exception of Alec, who should've been Jax's firstborn - another thing that I have no problem with Ron retconing).

I'm not even going touch that 'emotionally weak' bullshit because YT has scores of clips that prove otherwise in countless ways throughout her entire existence. I will say, though, that I don't hold showkiller Guza's contrived nonsense about Brenda's past against either character, as that madness was far out of the realm of plausibility (all the more reason why I'm thrilled that VM killed that Dante-and-Brenda-had-a-secret-baby stupidity that the show was originally going to go for) that it was laughable. However, I do hold TPTB's disregard for Jax against them because they refused to follow through on a story that wrote itself by having Alec be the son of some random capo's son instead of her other love.

All and all, I refuse to blame VM for bouncing as soon as her contract was up - especially when they duped her into thinking that she'd get a decent storyline that was worth her while - as Brenda would've been in for more fuckery if she'd re-signed. Same goes for KMc (though I know she's agreed to do cameos for Cartini) and JJ - much as I miss them - because they were served with the same shitty writing throughout their Guza/JFP/Frons runs.

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