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GH: October 2012 Discussion Thread

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Oh, don't worry, I'll simply skip the fuckery and watch McBam scenes online and ask Todd fans to send me the bat signal on when to tune in again. They're good on keeping me up-to-date and will let me know when Todd eventually wakes up from his delusion and realizes that he needs to fight harder and do better to win his woman, Blair, back - as he always does.

As for Todd enjoying sex? Ha! The only one that he's ever enjoyed it with was with his soulmate, my Blair (for good reason wink.png), as his leading that gang rape years ago has rendered him incapable of having a regular sexual relationship with anyone other than her (since she is the only woman that has been able to capture his mind, body, and soul). If Ron bothered to stay true to Todd Manning's character, I wouldn't be subjected to having him act out of character in order to prop that canker sore of a character that they should've scrubbed from this show years ago.

And I know you're not casting judgement on my Blair when the alternative that is my Todd getting with the same chick that took back the dude that shot her in the head while she was giving birth because "he's the father of her kids". Let's not go down that road because things will definitely take an ugly turn in this thread. icon_talk2hand.gif

I'll give you this, though, LW is definitely having fun onscreen with RoHo because this is the first time in years that she's played opposite an actor that actually shows up in scenes instead of those two duds that she's been saddled with. Although I can't stand the idea of my Todd being infected by the Slagbeast, I don't blame her one bit for being happy for acting opposite RoHo instead of having to carry the lazy MB and the Godawful roided goiter.

Love you back, though... :D

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Frack no, just no no no, did I say no? LOL.

Sam is another reason this show has gone to crap and Todd hasn't done anything that warrants the punishment of being paired with Sam, Roger is too vibrant to be stuck with one expression Monaco this is the look she always has on her face, no matter the scene mellow.png

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And yet, her Southern successor still preceded this roughshod imitation by a few years.

Considering that Cartini is the same regime that tried to sell a rapemance between Frodd and Marty, I hardly think that a Sam and Todd romance would be out of the realm of possibility. The fact that Sam isn't a vile character makes it easier for me to see those two together.

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Hey, you get no argument from me about Sam being a boring character for most of her run. Still, her presence (much like her mother's) has never been offended me, so I wouldn't be opposed to seeing her with my Todd (though I'm fully aware that it'd be a long shot).

In addition, she is the character that has benefitted the most from the new regime, as they're writing her to be more than just the roided goiter's appendage. While I can't say that I'll ever be a devoted fan (as my heart will always belong to Livvie Locke), I'm finding myself becoming mildly interested in what happens to her next - something that I never did before this year.

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and not much once done with John and Marty once they did get together. She could have been shuffled back to Todd when it was clear there was no investment in trying to write for them as a couple but that didn't happen bc they were too offensive to work. RC moved past the rapemence and it was for the best rather than trying to go back once some time has past and trying to make it work
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No offense, CH, but for me, it's a case of "too little, too late." I don't care how smoking hot Tarly are in the eyes of some. Todd has caused too much damage to too many people, and (IMO) has never really paid for his misdeeds or shown a sufficient amount of remorse. Plus, he just bugs, ya know? He bugged when he had TSJ's face, and he bugs now. He bugged on ONE LIFE TO LIVE, and he bugs now.

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I think it has less to do with him caring about offensiveness, since he had "Todd" yuk it up over raping Marty and Jessica being raped, and more about Ron being obsessed with Tea and writing years of story in a failed attempt to make her the show's star.

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