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GH: October 2012 Discussion Thread

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I wouldn't say that. Five major OLTL characters have come over and she's one of them. Tragic or not, he created a story that would serve hers and Sam's characters.

As for Todd and Carly, I don't see them going full-on relationship mode, at least for a while. Or if they do, that's when she'll find out Todd's involvement in Johnny's lies. And when that day comes, I hope this is TBTB's way of strengthening her character. I'm not holding out much hope though. Either way, it's pretty obvious that Carly's soulmate is Jax and Todd's is Blair. Anything that happens in the meantime is irrelevant. RC is always about his 'soulmates/supercouples' even if pairings come along that have more chemistry...or any chemistry at all. So no matter how popular Todd and Carly might get, it won't last, mostly cause he doesn't give an ish about the audience.

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And for me it's the disappointment of seeing yet another fan war be born where this hateful character with all of his misogynistic baggage continue to be treated as if he's a prize.

I said in the UO thread that I think Todd Manning was one of the most destructive things to happen to OLTL and to the genre. It's taken years of hindsight to come to this conclusion but I think trying to make Todd Manning a romantic figure was poison to OLTL and that poison seeped to other shows in the form of making redeeming rapists a much more acceptable option. After the rape he should've either been written out and never revisited, been written as a villain or his counseling and subsequent rehabilitation should've been made to stick. But no matter what progress he makes, it always ends up erased by some increasingly ugly act. (Yes, I'm including TSJ's Todd in this because nobody is going to get me to buy into ReRon's Retcon Rendezvous. Not now. Not ever.)

But after all these years, watching people play Sadie Hawkins Day with Todd is like watching them fight over The Joker. When I think back to when I used to do it, it makes me sick. I feel like someone who used to work at the chemical factory and decided to dump poison into the river and is now watching another generation get sick from swimming in it.

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except this story didn't serve her character. He couldn't even bother to show her reaction as she learned her child was kidnapped. She should have been on the following episode. Tea has been nothing but a plot point to generate story for Todd and Sam. Killing her baby did nothing for her. She was better never coming on this show
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