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GH: October 2012 Discussion Thread

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That's how they were on OLTL, she grew up with her aunt Vicky and cousin Jessica dealing with DID her entire life. They'd treat

the alters as different people. Jessica would be treated and talked to differently than Tess. She'd be yelled at or snarked at as Tess

but coddled and loved as Jessica.

I think this is how Ron's writing Connie/Kate. Right now to the convient marriage by Connie to keep her from being locked up.

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1. Just when I start to lose hope about Todd's Shorty, she goes and summons up her Cramer side. That wallop that she laid on Konnie did this T&B fan proud and I almost shed a tear of pride. My only hope is that that same bad bitch side surfaces once again when Eeyore eventually screws her over for Sonny or his Slagbeast mother.

2. I'm dreading those scenes between McBain and the bipolar banshee because Ron will do a whole lot of whitewashing to attempt to make me feel sorry for her instead of acknowledging this as the karmic justice that she deserves for conspiring with Frodd to keep Hope away from Starr years ago.

3a. Sonny & Konnie's non-wedding was camptastic and the funnest (non)-nuptials that I've seen from this show in years. It may not completely erase the bad taste that S&B's wedding left in my mouth, but Konnie telling Sonny that she wanted him to eat dirt after she told him that she married Johnny was just the thing to dull it. Serves his ass right for being a sh!tty husband to his last wife.

3b. Bonus points to Ron for having the Slagbeast's face crack into a million little pieces in front of the folks that she's screwed over over the years, though it's only a piece on the cherry on top of the sh!t sundae that she deserves.

3c. I finally see what the world has been saying about Steve being useless, as I've barely seen him since last year. That dummy choosing not to treat Johnny because of his moral code all the while having zero problem with providing the roided goiter with medical care is why he's another character that needs to be put out on the curb.

3c. A few things about Ellie and Spinelli:

1) Ellie has good potential as a new young (as in 20-something) character. She's nice without being saccharine and witty without being bitchy, which makes her better than Shrewlu and Minnie Mouse Maxie combined.

2) Another good thing about Ellie is she makes Spinelli tolerable - two words I'd never thought that I'd ever put together in regards to that Jar Jar Binks farce of a character. With the roited goiter on his way out (to hopefully take a permanent dirt nap) and with him finding something else to do other than sniff Minnie Mouse Maxie's ass, I may end up being able to watch him (with Ellie) on a regular basis without wanting to throw my mouse at my computer.

3) If Ron knows what's good, he'd keep her around and have her as Spinelli's love interest (as opposed to being a distraction for that annoying brat of a character that I don't believe for a second is Felicia's daughter) instead of getting rid of her. From what I'm getting by the negative reactions to Joe Scully, Jr. being thrown away for Sonny's spawn instead of capitalizing on the best love interest that Tracy's had in years (their words, not mine), it seems that Ron has yet to master the concept of recognizing natural chemistry instead of insisting on plowing through a story (especially one that props unworthy characters like Krustina).

4. Lastly, for those who believe that Trey would be a better match for Starr than Eeyore (as well as Starr being a better match for Trey instead of Krustina)... well, I'm starting to drink the Kool-Aid that you're serving up. Eeyore is a dullard (much like Starr's other love interests, save for Travis from way back in the day) and I won't even get into the many reasons why Krustina is a waste of space character. I'm not fully convinced that Starr/Trey can be a great couple yet, but I can't deny that she's a lot more livelier around him than she's ever been around Eeyore.

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