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GH SOD: Liz's Shocking Move to Keep Jason

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I am really trying to reserve judgment on this. I will be furious if they have Elizabeth go down this path. However, if the spoiler is overstating what happens and Elizabeth just CONSIDERS keeping the truth from Jason, I think that would be okay and in character (who, in her position, wouldn't at least THINK of that?). But if they have her go down the path of Natalie, hell no.

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I have never been a fan of Elizabeth's but there have been times when I've empathized with the character. At one point I even liked her friendship with Jason and wanted to see it where it could have gone. But that bridge has been crossed in the worst possible way and I don't like that she's been used as a Jason prop. All this manipulative rubbish is going to do is generate more hatred for the character and they so unnecessarily step on the viewers who actually like her at such a constant mean spirited clip.

Steve Burton is leaving and even if he weren't, there is absolutely no reason to damage Elizabeth in this way just to cause angst for dry toast. This is what I dislike about soap writing to day because in my romanticization of the old days, I am thoroughly convinced that characters were not wrecked to the point of no return unless they were being killed.

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Sorry, this doesn't sound like Liz. Sounds like character assassination. To me Liz isn't a saint, but she's not evil. What a wait to taint the beautiful Liz/Jason friendship/relationship. Now I wish Dr. Keenan wasn't a part of Jerry's silly plan- He was a good catch and CARED about her!

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