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Changes you'd make to Y&R

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Why are we so hung up on those characters from 30/40 years ago? Times have changed, and there is no place for too many over 50/60 characters. It might be harsh, but it's a fact. The audience is different, and if YR wants to keep up, they have to cater to that audience. I think they do fine with vets, but even I, a 45 year old woman, don't want to see all of those characters from yesteryear. And that isn't what is going to make the show better anyhow.

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+1. Weren't most of those characters written out in the early 80's so the Abbotts and Newmans could replace. Exactly what story could they provide today for the current cast members. They aren't even relevant to today's Y&R.

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Outside of nostalgia, what would they do? I remember people being pissed because GH wasn't using a wheelchaired Anna Lee more or DOOL didn't have a story for Alice? Huh? GH held onto AL out of kindness and gave her a salary because she had no other income. Besides sitting in a chair, what was Frances Reid going to do? Did we want love scenes? I think not!

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95% of the people on the show now aren't relevant to today's Y&R.

Y&R needs fresh blood as well as a reminder of its history. "Jack vs Victor" and "Nikki used to strip" is not history at this point, it's overdone.

Those characters were written out because they had been recast over and over and burnt through story. Or the actors chose to leave.

I think that the time is great to bring back a few Fosters and their kids and grandkids, to remind of the past while building a future. I also think bringing back someone like Janice Lynde or even Jaime Lyn Bauer, with kids and grandkids, would accomplish the same.

Y&R has a very rich and unmined past and there's no reason why this would have to just be a nostalgia tour. It's only the lazy writing of recent years which destroys the past opportunities (like the lackluster way they resolved the Heather story).

People always want to see more of their old favorites, but I don't think most of the viewers were demanding stories. Most people knew what was going on. If people were asking why Alice doesn't have more of a story in 1995, then I can understand that. I doubt most people were asking in 2005, when she clearly was not able to do as much.

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Exactly! Lorie has a past with Victor and Nikki, bringing her on with Brooks Prentiss, who would now be in his 20s would help set up a younger set, since none of the cast in that age group is currently working (at least not for me). Brooks' biological mom is Lorie's sister, Leslie, who may be jealous at how close Lorie and Brooks are, that right there inserts Lorie into the current storyline with her connections, introduces a new character to the younger set and honors history. We all know Jack and Nikki won't last, so Jack will need someone new (and hopefully a long-term someone) and he now has two options in Lorie and Leslie.

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He needs someone to call him out in a way which won't bruise Braeden's ego. That's why I think they should bring Julia back. She's the only one who could do that since the actor who plays Douglas has passed on (and retired years before that).

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You know what Y&R really needs at this point? Stories that are character-driven and don't insult anyone's intelligence. When you have Cricket in a story where she comes across as the heavy for wanting Phyllis to pay for mowing her and Paul down with her car, you KNOW somebody's not paying attention.

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Excelled at? He shared HW-ing duties with Maria during a very short period where the show started to hit all-time lows in the ratings.

I hardly call the, what, 2 months or so he was writing with Maria during the writer's strike a reflection of his writing. The two of them fought so much, it's hard to tell who was responsible for what.

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