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Friends who should have been enemies and vice versa?

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I've been watching quite a bit of early '90s AMC on YouTube, and the biggest missed opportunity to me is how they never gave SMG's Kendall a female enemy to duke up with other than Erica. They came close with Janet and Corvina, but they quickly became her allies so to speak. She shared some screen time with Julia around the same time, and I think it would have been fun to explore a feud/rivalry between those two characters; Gellar and Sydney Penny had a pretty good dynamic together in the few scenes they shared.

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Kendall didnt interact with Hayley much if ever, but I think it would have been interesting had those two been enemies. Adam and Erica's daughters going at it. Now that could have been fun. If only SMG stayed in the mid 90s; it would have been interesting to see those two cross paths

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There was some great stuff with Gabrielle and Blair during 2001-2002, especially during the reveal of the DBL, and even though Gabrielle's part in covering up what Todd did understandably led to a bit of a rivalry, I think they could have had an interesting friendship, too. Two things in particular spring to mind: the fact that they both lost their virginities to Max, and their differing opinions on Tina. To Gabrielle, Tina was her friend for life after meeting her while both were pregnant in Argentina. Obviously, the thing with Al wasn't the strongest thing to start with, and they exasperated each other often, but they truly loved each other like sisters. To Blair, Tina was a hopeless airhead who was only a threat where Cord was concerned. Could've been fun. LOL

Actually, Blair and Tina could've been explored more, too, as the two of them had similar pasts (both married for money/wanted to marry for money despite showing love for someone else, baby lies with Cord and Todd--you get the idea.


It would have been interesting to see if it didn't happen only when everyone thought Victor was still Todd and it seemed like that was the only reason Tea liked Blair--because she had finally "won" Todd from her. There were actually some nice scenes with the two of them when Tea thought she was dying and later on, but that was mostly due to KDP and FL. At the end of the day, Tea pretty much stole Starr from Blair when she wasn't able to fight back--and kept her from Blair even after that. Why would Blair want ANYTHING from her except to see her flying out a window again?

Speaking of which, Dani and Starr might have been an interesting rivalry given the history between their mothers.

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I never really understood why Kendall and Greenlee were such great friends. I liked them much better as 'frenemies' or as enemies stuck working together.

I enjoyed Erica and Opal's friendship, but I must have missed how that started because Erica definitely was not friends with Dorothy Lyman's Opal.

I loved Adam and Palmer as enemies who occasionally worked together toward a common goal.

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I get that tracing their feud all the way back to Dan was difficult (especially since he'd been dead for years and portrayed by umpteen actors)...but Marland kind of pretended that it all started and ended with Bob & the affair which made it a lot easier for later writers to perpetuate.

Neither Carly/Lily or Carly/Rose really worked for me either. Lily was too freakin' rigid to befriend Carly, and Rose was an idiot. While Carly/Em would/could have been interesting (and when Em was married to Hal, at least some kind of cooperative attitude was called for) all it really amounted to was Em perpetually babysitting Parker while Carly was off causing trouble. Their friendship ended when Em teamed up with Paul during the baby switch and outright called out Carly for trying to hang on to Rory/Billy/Johnny.

I hate how Brooke has built Stephanie into a mother-figure. I get that Beth had been off the show for years, but originally Beth was a warm, strong woman who'd raised four kids on her own. Stephanie's sliding morality (which really seems only to apply to the Logans and Brooke specifically) isn't something to either admire or try to emulate.

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It's just lazy, "clever" writing to have Brooke look up to Stephanie or want her approval. I think the relationship was once written with a lot more honesty. I hate the rewrites of the Logan family.

I wish they'd done more with the Brooke/Sheila relationship, which mostly seemed to be for plot purposes.

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Probably the best "frenemy" relationship I've seen was Stephanie and Sally on B&B on how it naturally over years turned into friendship. Too bad B&B wasted Brooke and Macy's rivalry.

I never understood the whole friendship between Michael, Lauren, Phyllis, and Nick thing either on Y&R.

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Opal ran into Erica at the Glamorama when getting ready to be married to PC, and they had a long talk about why Erica never really "went" for Palmer, given that she had been after so many other men in PV.

Shortly after that exchange, they shared a jail cell together (reason why escapes me), and their friendship developed from there.

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On OLTL, I never really got the Tina/Renee friendship. I know that Karen Witter's Tina was a nicer version of Tina, but Renee was a bit stuck up and fussy and I can't see her forgetting Tina's past.

I also never understood why Renee and others happily embraced Cain, who had not all that long ago tried to rob Renee's hotel and went around conning everyone. It smacked of, "The writers like Cain, so everyone else does too."

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GH. I thought Lulu and Brook should have been friends. Them being enemies and fighting over Dante was so stupid. I guess Brook wasnt doing anything out of malice; she just traded in her friendship for money. I thought both initially had similar personalities and stuff in common. On paper it seems they'd have worked better and more believable as friends than Lulu and Maxie

Courtney and Carly. I liked Carly being an outsider and having no female friends. I cringed at the girlfriend vibe GH was going with when they had Courtney enter her orbit. I thought the initial stuff with them not liking each other bc of AJ but once they went forward with Journey, Carly and Courtney had to become besties. They'd have worked better had Carly never accepted her and the two continued to hate on each other

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I have to agree. By the time Angie met Krystal, she was no longer the white-trash skank who gave blow jobs to lab techs and slept with every trucker she met. Even if Angie heard of her past, Krystal had changed enough for her to not hold it against her. Unlike, say, David who didn't care what people thought of him and continued to scheme against Angie's friends.

Yeah, as a casual viewer over the past few years, I thought it was stupid for Dorian to be so concerned about Viki, especially when it would've been more entertaining imo for her to join Echo in breaking up Viki's marriage.

ICAM! Kendall & Greenlee were fun as enemies and they never should've become best friends.

Erica & Opal's friendship was one of my favorites of all time since Opal was one of the few people who would always call her out on her crap.

I wish Adam & Palmer had more story together from the 1990s onward before James Mitchell's health declined. Their feud was my all-time favorite in soaps.

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Funny considering she had been the madam of a whorehouse, which is where Asa met her.

I always thought Mac & Kevin's friendship on GH was strange, although it ended up having some great comedic moments (especially the dressing up as women to sniff out "Madame Maia."). They did start out with Mac disliking Kevin at first...he thought Kevin was an arrogant know-it-all and, not to mention, the twin of the man who had terrorized Felicia. Granted, Ryan was the psycho killer and Kevin was a decent guy but would people who were among the most victimized by someone really want to be around, much less buddy up with, the guy's twin? On top of that, Kevin was a very cerebral guy, whereas Mac was not. Yet I actually liked them better with each other than with their respective women.

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