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GH: Discussion for the Month of June

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I don't believe Liz met the roided goiter until 1998-1999 (a few months before Lucky 'died') and it wasn't until a few months after the 'death' that they started interacting in her studio. (Yet another thing that Guza destroyed was Liz's love for (making) art in order to make her yet another hapless female that solely existed for a man.)

As for the PC vampire stories, I was admittedly biased towards them because I did love Buffy back then. While I wouldn't say that it came close to being Buffy, I was willing to suspend belief many times because of my love for Caleb/Livvie.

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I can't stand Liz but seriously I did like original Liz and Lucky and her most interesting and oddly complex and adult relationship with a man was with Rick. She still looked stupid a lot but I never felt she was the pathetic damsel in distress with him. And Rick Hearst was probably Beckys best acting partner over all the years and made her better.

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I'm seriously thinking of creating a "GH: Potpourri" like in 2009 when the Y&R discussion threads became such a black hole filled with non-episode related negativity that people who just wanted to discuss the episodes, couldn't. I don't like what the GH thread has become....so we'll see.......

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Tuned in because I heard about the baby switch. This show has such a cheap and rotten air to it now, ugh. The background music is awful and the editing is so choppy my God. Not even going to get into the writing...

I HATE that they killed Tea's baby! Who's bright idea was it to bring over the One Life characters and give them these depressing ass stories? How are the regular non OLTL watching GH fans supposed to care about any of their drama when they aren't even given time to get to know them before they're off screaming and hollering about dead babies?

I guess Ron and Frank realized what a flop faux Fake Coward was as the resident loon and got Heather to be the GH answer to Allison Perkins? How did that D.I.D mess end anyway?

And what is up with Carly & Johnny? Are we supposed to believe they're actually in love because mellow.png

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