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GH: Discussion for the Month of June

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Wow! People get all weepy eyed when the thread turns ugly due to the unwanted unnecessary OL characters but its super OK to salivate at torturing a poster because of who they like? Yikes. I hope whomever you guys target can handle it. That's foul!


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YAY! I've been a fan since SJB but couldn't stand TB in the role. I kind of liked Jennifer Bransford's take even though she never stood a chance. Then Laura came on and my Carly Babes love was 100% reignited wub.png

Completely agree. His tenure may have been a snorefest but I really LOVED what Garin Wolfe was doing with Carly. She was finally starting to act her age and get out of that Sonny & Jason obsessed rut Guza had her stuck in. I really liked the stuff with Sean too. Then these clowns came in and put her right back into it, only this time she's chasing after Johnny's loser ass like some dickmatized 18 year old, its sad.

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Hey, what can I say? I've never been one to wear blinders. My hatred and misgivings of Carly Jacks (this bitch ain't Benson) and that actress who fails ever so hard to portray her aside... The Carly character grew up over the summer/fall. I saw her with Joss more than EVER before. She stood up against Sonny. She honored Jax's unspoken wish and kept his secret. She helped Shawn through his PTSD. And, you would've thought the end of the world was coming because I was cheering for this girl on New Year's Eve when everyone was against her after Michael exposed Jax was alive. She was, for the first time, being what I could appreciate to be an "adult" version of Carly. And this was after a solid year of my hatred for the Carly Jacks character being at an all-time high. I never hated her as much as I did from 2010-2011, so believe me, I was looking -- and looking HARD -- to find something to continue to tear apart about her. But I had to give credit to where credit was due. The character was making steps to being an adult.

Then, she took a zillion steps back.

I'm not saying my extreme hate has returned. I'm back to just my regular 2005-2009 hate. However, there's a new level of "Ugh... she's just pathetic in this story," that I'm also having while watching. She's gotten even dumber, she's gotten gullible (which, no matter who's playing her, this character has NEVER been), she's gotten even MORE neglectful as a so-called "mother." It's just sad all around.

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I could not be less of a Carly fan, but the last few posts have made me curious. Do you think the Johnny Z pairing is worse for Carly than Sonny? Wasn't Sonny unfaithful to her throughout their relationship? Hasn't Sonny always blamed his failings on the trauma he suffered at Deke's hands? Just wondering what you see as the difference. I'm not trolling or baiting, just feeling curious.

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I recently caught the 4/14 eppy and the moment Carlys instincts kicked in about Johnny setting Sonny up after the trial, she would have investigated - not apologize for not being more trusting. Those scenes were all kinds of foul and OOC! Idiot hacks!

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The pairing with Johnny is downright offensive! I didn't watch much of pre-LW Carly but I'm aware of Carson's past. That was Carly's learning years to be stupid and reckless. She is now 40 with 3 children, one of them a toddler. So after the work Wolf did developing Carly, Cartooni just came in and regressed her and gave no cause. Now, her instincts are gone and she's stupid as hell, something Carly is not. Carly is alot of things, but idiot piece she is not. Wolf knew where Carly had been, where she currently was and where she needed to be. His writing for Carly was the best and I loved him for it. Cartooni's Carly is a 40 something 16 year old defying her parents. Its so unbecoming and foul. It pains me to not be able to watch my girl.

RS' post sums it up brilliantly.


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The reason for the discord is rather simple - some are under the mistaken impression that there are interlopers on this show and in this thread, so they've taken it upon themselves to throw up cyber gang signs to 'board interlopers' to let them know that this is 'their turf' while resorting to communicating in Picture Pages language for shíts and giggles.

Thing is, that doesn't change the fact that:

  • said 'OLTL interlopers' have been General Hospital characters since they set foot into town in late February, mid-March, and early May
  • just as some viewers tune in to see Sam, Johnny, Tracy, and Dante, other viewers tune in to see McBain, Todd, Starr, and Tea.

T'is all.

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