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Actors who did their best work on the way out

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I don't mean that as a dig. I do mean actors who you feel gave their best performances when their run on a show ended.

#1 on this list for me would be Jennifer Ashe as Meg Snyder on ATWT. She gave many superb performances in her last year on ATWT, with a very sharp edge which was not common on the show at the time (most of the actors tended to build and build to a big moment). There was also a very old school heartbreak in her work. She sold the hell out of a story which, on paper, was extremely dubious, at best (falling in love with Josh, the man who had raped her sister).


My favorite scene is one that seems to come and go on Youtube, when she has to lie to Josh that she doesn't want to be with him, as otherwise her husband would have him on assault charges. When he leaves the room, she whispers to herself, something like, "I do love you. Forgive me." For all the talk of "soapiness," that type of moment is why I loved soaps.

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I am gonna love this thread!!!! I will have to keep brainstorming, but I had to add that my 1st 2 choices are already included here!!! Yes, Fiona Hutchison and Jennifer Bransford seemed to dig even deeper into their roles emotionally and wholly once they were (unjustly) let go from their respective shows!!! Fiona's work in the final few months as Gabrielle was just so honest genuine & heart breaking!!! Jennifer Bransford played the HECK outta CARLY in those final scenes with Sonny. I think she was just starting to 'own' the role as she was shown the door from GH. Its a shame truly. Laura Wright cannot touch her. Another definite choice would be Cynthia Watros as Annie Lewis on GL in early 1998. As if her courtroom breakdown was not awesome enough, her revenge on Reva was a tour de force for her.

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Are yall being serious about Charity Rahmer? I don't remember, but I remember LOVING her lol. She was so campy and nobody could act so I just loved the parody of it. I don't know how she was cast. She didn't even look like Kirsten Storms nor did she seem the same age. I did like her better than Martha Madison who reminds me of a soccer mom, which is all wrong for Belle.

Without a doubt Natalia Livingston was GREAT as Rebecca and when they wrote her off I was so sad. It's hard to believe considering how much I hated her as Emily, but she was so good in that role. I'd bring her back as Rebecca instead of trying to revive boring Emily.

Another person not yet mentioned is the second Marina on Guiding Light. I think her name was Kit something. She started off really green, but was PERFECT for the role. As she got comfortable on screen she was great and very spunky, but they'd already rush-recast with that dreadful Mandy Bruno.

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I have kept that same scene saved on tape of Fiona and Nicholas Walker because I thought she was so heartbreaking in it. That one and the one in the courtoom when she got sentenced to prison and was saying goodbye to Father Tony.

I would also say Michael Sutton got his chance to shine on GH after Stone was diagnosed with AIDS. I'm not sure if it was actually his acting that changed all that much or just the nature of the storyline made Stone less of merely a punk kid/Sonny's fanboy and turned him into a tragic figure. At any rate, he did fine with it.


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