Members DRW50 Posted August 21, 2012 Members Share Posted August 21, 2012 I'm not sure who Britney is going to work closest with. I think she'd probably want to go to the end with Dani, because Dani is such a loon, and she knows Ian is more of a jury threat. The biggest issue I have with Britney is her entire game in the house is, "I didn't do that. Don't blame me." I didn't watch BB12 but did Hayden play that way? You have to get your hands dirty at some point. Ian gets a nice edit on the TV show, but I don't think that has translated to the game. Ashley gets a nice edit too and she spends most of the game either faking pain or trying to be Frank's Erika. Frank gets the nice guy edit, we're clearly supposed to think he's a great guy and funny and loyal and all the rest. This hurts the TV show, because there's a lot of stupidity which they don't show and which means you don't get as much satisfaction out of the results this week. I don't think Frank is a bad person, I mostly think he's very spoiled. What I dislike most about Frank, aside from his blowing up Willie's impression of Wil and acting like this was some sort of anti-bullying crusade, is his emotional/weak game. Saying Dan must be a bad person outside the house, isolating himself so much with Boogie, all the rest. He's never tried to adapt to the game. He's had over a month to do so. Aside from lemmings Ashley and Jenn he hasn't tried with anyone, and he's barely tried with Jenn. I don't think Dan's very interesting on the show and I try to ignore his political views but I love seeing how he goes through the game. He always stays calm, even when he knows he's the biggest target in the house. He tries to form strong bonds. He has huge reserves of patience. He often knows just when to move - he wanted to keep Janelle but realized she was a lost cause and that meant he got a free pass the next week (I think Frank would have stayed even if Janelle stayed - he would have come off the block or survived over Wil or Joe). He's done so much to try to deal with Danielle, which meant she won that crucial HOH when just about everyone else would have nominated him. He was one of the few people who worked with Ian early on. I'm mostly just waiting to see if he'll ever win any comps again, because otherwise he'll be gone soon. Ian will throw things and Britney likely will too. The story the show is probably going to rig is Frank gets revenge for Boogie, so I think Dan will go Thursday (or Shane) If Dan weren't around I would probably lose interest in the season, because I just don't care about most of those who are left. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Jonathan Posted August 21, 2012 Members Share Posted August 21, 2012 Dan slept with Keesha? Wasn't he coupled with someone at that time? Honestly, I don't even remember Keesha. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JackPeyton Posted August 21, 2012 Members Share Posted August 21, 2012 hayden never got his hands dirty. not once. and denying [!@#$%^&*] is key to big brother. yes to own it is badass, it also gets your ass evicted. Id agree.. if that was true, but it isnt. Frank has built social relationships with the house. The house likes frank, most of then genuinely like him as a person. He isnt isolated at all. Joe is isolated. jen is isolated. Dan to a point is isolated. Frank? Not at all. He has in depth life conversations with everyone. He is only a target because he wins comps & is strong with boogie. He built a really good relationship with Britney actually, and if Brit hadnt been screwed over in s12 she would likely crusade to save him because you can tell they like eachother. I hate dan in this game and it has nothing to do with his real life. on the feeds he honestly comes off very cocky and entitled. But if boogie goes, and frank wins hoh, of course he should put up dan and boogie. there is no rigging of a story there - it is the story. Much like Dani/Jeff last season. Thats the thing, these stories write themselves. The drama is there. There is no need for rigging and editing the way they choose to do it. After it ended, he and Monica broke up. Its widely assumed that he got with Keesha and regretted it. Big Brother is a lot like the soap world. Its a small world and everyone knows everyones dirt lol. How do you not remember Keesha? She was the best in s10 and won Americas Favorite. She flipped on the majority of the house like week 4 and targeted Jessie and caused a [!@#$%^&*] storm. Her birthday fight with Jessie Libra and April was one of the BB greats. She had an alliance with Dan Memphis and Renny but the boys fucked her over at final 4 because they were scared to compete with her in final 3. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted August 21, 2012 Members Share Posted August 21, 2012 Didn't he win HOH twice? I think Frank likes to put on a certain act of friendliness when he's in power but I don't believe it's genuine, and while some in the house like him, they also seem reluctant to believe it. He mostly goes with the spoiled baby persona Boogie encourages. Tonight he and Boogie were very upset that Ian spent any time with Dan, and they let him know that. Meanwhile, he laughs along as Boogie uses racial slurs and talks about how he's going to have sex with Dan's wife. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JackPeyton Posted August 21, 2012 Members Share Posted August 21, 2012 He did, he won it 4 times. He won first and put up Brenchel, nobody cared and they didnt target him. He didnt win again until near the end, and put brenden up again w/ ragen as a pawn. then he won in final 4 and put up brit/lane, and told brit about the alliance and she was being evicted, then he won final hoh. he was only put up once, by rachel, who targeted kristen. Everyone in the house likes him and talks about how much they like him, save maybe Dani and Joe. Nobody has any issues with the guy and most of them have made plans to meet up outside the house. and honestly, ian better watch out. he is about to be caught. I am glad they are anti Dan, after britney threw him under the bus to boogie masterfully. I hope Boogies goes, Frank wins HoH, noms shane/dan, and dan is evicted. That would be a perfect DE for me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted August 21, 2012 Members Share Posted August 21, 2012 Yes but doesn't berating him about who he's not allowed to spend time with going against the idea of being social with everyone? Frank also says he now knows Dan is a bad person in real life, and orders people to not vote for Dan or Shane in the final 2. None of that seems friendly to me. Frank and Boogie trash everyone in there, day after day. I can't think of anyone Frank actually likes, aside from Boogie. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JackPeyton Posted August 21, 2012 Members Share Posted August 21, 2012 This is 100% common when people are put up and targeting your alliance. It happens every single season with every single side. Jenn is also going off about how wrong it is shes up and how awful Shane and his alliance are now for no reason at all. Nearly every single BB player has said this house makes you awful and once your out its all forgiven and forgotten. very few hold onto grudges - Jeff, for example, does. No shocker there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Angela Posted August 21, 2012 Members Share Posted August 21, 2012 For some reason my BB Live Feed is still on even though I cancelled within the 3 day (72 hour) Free Pass time. I get the feeling I'm going to end up getting into it with the Live Feed people as soon as I see a charge on my debit. Until I see the charge, I'll still enjoy watching from time to time. Anytime I look at this feed Danielle is looking at herself in the mirror. It's ridiculous. She must have some kind of compulsive disorder. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JackPeyton Posted August 22, 2012 Members Share Posted August 22, 2012 It always does that. A lot of people do this every year because they dont have to pay. Apprenetly, Frank wants a final 4 with Brit/Ian/Ash. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted August 22, 2012 Members Share Posted August 22, 2012 Frank also thinks Britney will put Dan up (she is not winning any HOH if she can help it). It probably doesn't matter very much, as I think the show will rig an HOH for Frank on Thursday (unless he throws it to Ian like he wanted to do before), but Dan/Dani/Britney/Shane have done an unbelievable job of bringing in various house outcasts to work against Frank. Tonight Danielle spent time working on Jenn (even after Jenn was snippy with her earlier in the day) and this led to Jenn going up to HOH and making a deal with Joe/Dani/Brit/Shane/Dan. She's now targeting Frank. I think she's probably just saying some of this to cover her own butt but now that she knows Ashley wanted her out it may be true. I wish the show could let viewers see how the core four have worked this. It's just crazy stuff, especially keeping Ian separate from everyone else (which is not making Ian feel very comfortable), and Ian and Joe going at each other. You also have Britney and Dan trying to turn their alliance against each other. Ashley has been fully exposed this week and now just has Frank, although since Frank will probably get power again soon it won't hurt her game. She is playing the Erika role. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JackPeyton Posted August 22, 2012 Members Share Posted August 22, 2012 Britney is all about winning an HoH. She didnt go for it last week so she could play for it this week. She isnt opposed to it at all and she wants that letter from home and pictures. And honestly, she will put up dan. Not this week, maybe not next week. But at final 6? Absolutely. Shes playing smart. Dan/Dani/Brit/Shane's biggest issue is Brit vs Dan is boiling. It is going to happen. And brit has been much better than Dan at turning people against him than he on her. The thing is this is really a great season, its just a shitty show on CBS. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted August 22, 2012 Members Share Posted August 22, 2012 I think most of the issues with the house and Dan have already been there, as people see him as too much of a threat. Probably the biggest move she did there was when she let Frank/Boogie think Dan was the leak, which just cemented Frank's hatred of Dan, but the rest I don't think has had an impact. I could say it has on Ian but something tells me deep down Ian's main loyalty is still to Frank, if he really has to choose. Frank>Brit>Dan. I'm not sure Britney will want to win an HOH or not. She doesn't want to be seen as the cause of any bad move in there. She may be afraid of losing Danielle's jury vote or support in the house. Frank wants Shane out next so Britney will move over to him. I could see her picking Frank over Dan (although Shane wouldn't be voted out over Dan anyway) but I think that would screw her with the jury, not because of Dan, but because people might say if she's going to be with Frank then we'll just vote for Frank. What I hate is that this didn't even have to be a bad season. It's challenging to edit this but they could try. I know most of those editors are gone but they need to go back and watch BB3, BB4 episodes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JackPeyton Posted August 22, 2012 Members Share Posted August 22, 2012 Brit worked Ians hero worship of Dan away. She also got frank/boogie to stop targeting her and go for Dan, it wasnt hard but she did it none the less to the point that they dont hate her and are not really targeting her. She also has been working Dani on girl power and Dani has said more than once than when it comes down to it she wants Brit next to her not shane or dan. Shane is the one most loyal to dan, actually, oddly. Brit can also work Joe if needed. Dans issue is he is playing exactly like he did in s10 and while almost nobody watched BB before, brit keeps showing people things hes doing and taking it back to s10. Its smart. Shes also acting like shes an idiot and incapable of winning anything without pure luck and nobody has really pointed out she did make big moves in her season, cuz nobody but Ian watched it and even then the edit she got wasnt as a game player. Frank has expressed wanting to try and pull ian and brit into his alliance with ash, unaware that ian is with brit. He thinks he has an alliance with ian, and now ash is a part of it and he wants to pull brit it. This is where brit was smart about not letting ppl find out about her and ian, cuz ash has no idea and had nothing to tell frank. Even with the final 5 wuackpack they all think shes mainly with them, and not ian. boogie is pretty sure he is staying now cuz he has frank and ashs vote and joe and ian have told him they are keeping him because he has no idea they are working with d/d/s/b. ian is still getting info and telling brit. frank thinks ash can get him info but they know shes with him now and dont tell her anything, but they still talk to her. idk about bb3/bb4, id say go more to bb6-10. the full on rigging didnt kick in, save s7, until s11. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted August 22, 2012 Members Share Posted August 22, 2012 I was thinking of the dynamics in the house - BB3 and BB4 had so many complicated alliances which frequently changed. Dani always confuses me. I think she's still most loyal to Dan, but I don't know. I don't really know where she is with Shane either. I'd expected her to go completely around the bend over his not wanting to kiss her but she's still kept it together. I got Showtime so now I can finally watch BBAD again. I have had it for a few BB seasons off and on but usually whenever I turn it on people are chatting about nothing and I can barely hear them. I think the best BBAD night was the huge Chima/Russell blowout. I loved watching Chima - she was just fascinating. I'm sorry she screwed herself over so much and will never be back on the show. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JackPeyton Posted August 22, 2012 Members Share Posted August 22, 2012 I will say this season has the most complex, layered alliances in a long time. its norm one side vs the other, and it seems that way here but its not. the alliances sub alliances have sub alliances and side alliances have side-side-sub alliances. Dani is loyal to shane/dan/brit. When they break, it depends on how it goes. If Brit flips with Ian over to Frank, obvi Dani wont go. If shane/dan are up i am pretty sure she will evict shane. if dan/brit are up, i think she will evict dan but it depends on what one gets to her last. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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