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GH: Discussion for the Month of April

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He doesn't look that scruffy to me - just a beard and chest hair. I think that suits him. I could not stomach the waxed OLTL men, especially since some of them, like poor Brody and Jared, had some bad waxing going on, like someone ripped at their chests about a half hour before the filming.

To me the only guy on the show who looks dirty is Sonny, mostly because of the endless oil slick on his head.

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Agreed, though I'll even go a step further and say that his hairy chest is a breath of fresh air from the rest of the hairless boys that they like to parade around in soaps. Perhaps that makes me a minority, but I prefer men that actually look like men over guys that are waxed to kingdom come.

Considering that GH is seriously lacking in the eye candy department, I think that it'd be a big mistake to let him go.

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And Johnny has said NO! Not only that, he's said it to Connie. Let's tell the COMPLETE story here. It's not as if Johnny's like "Oh, good! Here's my chance!" and pounced on her. She's been relentless in putting this plan into action and using Johnny to do it. He's rejected Connie countless times over the last month. Sure, what he's doing is morally reprehensible, due to the fact that not only is he going to be adding to Kate's mental anguish once she realizes what she did, but he's also cheating on Carly. HOWEVER, Connie calculated this to a T, setting Johnny up and sending Sonny on a warpath straight to Johnny's house, coercing Johnny into sex with her by saying if he doesn't follow through, she'll tell Sonny he tried to harm "Kate." So there is a LOT of gray area to this. You can't "take advantage" of someone who is three steps ahead of you and corners you with threats and ultimatums. So, technically... Connie's committing the crime. Not Johnny. In order for you to accuse Johnny of raping Kate while she was "checked out," Johnny would had to have specifically brought Connie out in order to have sex with him knowing that Kate wouldn't. Yet, as we saw, Johnny knew Connie was out and still told her he didn't want to sleep with her and rejected her numerous advances.

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I still would like to know how this show will explain Connie's existence. I won't say it's a proven medical fact that DID results from childhood sexual abuse, but I doubt reluctantly loving someone who is involved in the "coffee export" business triggers it.

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Outside of the minimum wage production costs, there's not much to say about GH! It looked like a Telenovella. The lighting was horrible and the cameras were poorly positioned. I wanted to see Carly and Uncle Luke, but after one scene, had to change the channel.

I hate Cartini so damn much!


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