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DAYS: The mess that is MarDar

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I tend to agree with JP here. I, too, believe MarDar were at least interested in telling this particular story, if only for the amount of buzz it might have generated under the best of circumstances. Unfortunately, there were three roadblocks: 1) the poor quality of acting from most of the participants; 2) the amount of plot contrivance they had to engineer just to make Will the "hero" of such a story in a way that would generate maximum conflict on the canvas (IOW, the best stories are the ones that write themselves, and this was one that took a bit more effort than it should've); and 3) the general conservative nature of Ken Corday, who, I suspect, has been skittish about this story from the start.

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Believe it or not, I agree. To this day, I'll never understand how the so-called contributions he made to the show actually were a blessing. Having said that, though, even I must admit that the way he told stories, in terms of pacing and what-not, could surprise lil' ole me on occasion. It's just a shame that DAYS never found another HW who could take that approach and marry it to ideas that are actually worth talking about.

Or, to put it another way: since JER (or at least, since his first term), DAYS' HW's, for the most part, either nail the execution of stories but generally come up with plot ideas so awful as to make Reilly look like Irna Frigging Phillips; or they have good ideas (like MarDar do...occasionally) but blow the actual pacing and plotting completely.

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Okay, I'll bite. I mentioned a few of these things in the March discussion thread, but here goes:

1. One of the things many people don't realize is Marlene/Darrell have never head-written for a soap before. As a result they seem to be at a loss when it comes to properly pacing a storyline. Daily episodes either drag or move too fast. Individual stories are often too quick with plenty of holes in them. I was afraid when Lisa DeCazotte came aboard as co-EP that we'd have Passions once again, but she seems to get the art of the Friday cliffhanger and the scripts have been somewhat stronger since Lisa began working with the writing crew.

2. The balance is way off. Characters still disappear for long periods of time between being seen on camera. Why didn't we see EJ for a few days? Where are Maggie and Victor most of the time? Daniel returned on February 23, I believe, yet it took two weeks for him to have his first scene with Maggie and three weeks for his first scene with Melanie? Abe and Lexie haven't been seen for how many shows?

3. Use the younger set in ways that make sense. If you don't, you're going to lose them... the viewers, that is. Bold and Beautiful has already indicated it intends to ramp up its 20-something stories over spring and summer. Yes, Brad Bell has his problems writing for the younger set, but if the viewers sense younger characters are on and at least involved in story they'll jump to CBS without thinking twice. As it is, you've got bat-[!@#$%^&*] crazy Abby pining for a guy she can't have (while I think Kate Mansi is doing a good job with the material, I find the story nothing short of creepy... I guess it's because I'm Patrick Muldoon's age... lol) and now, after a week or so off the canvas, you're going to turn Gabi nuts over Chad?

4. Another note about the younger set: Challenge them with decent material. This is a problem most every character has, even the legacy characters, but the younger set is your next generation, if there is to be one. I'm biased about Molly, because I think if she left she'd get plenty of work in prime time, but Marlene/Darrell don't seem to know what to do with Melanie besides pair her up with Chad. In his recent appearance on Body of Proof Casey Deidrick showed MUCH more range and emotion than he ever has on Days. He could go places as well. Sonny has basically floundered since his introduction, which is a shame because Freddie Smith has shown he can rise to the occasion if you give him something stronger. And while Chandler Massey is hitting the ball out of the park on most days, it's almost like his story is even floundering a bit... what's up with that?

5. Don't do stories solely to remind viewers of the history of the show. John and Hope as The Pawn and Princess Gina? Please. I detested the Princess Gina story. Why go back and revisit it? Granted, it may only be for a week or so, but enough is enough.

I know not everyone will agree with this, but it's a start.

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I agree with what everyone has said... they have good ideas but lack the ability to get from point A to point B in a realistic way (i.e making Abby into a Sami jr.). Turning Abby to the dark side was an interesting idea mostly cause she is a Horton and because it would interesting to see her take more after her dad Jack (who has very dark moments on and off throughout his run). However, it happened almost over night without any clear reason... it was just plot driven...

The character that has been written the best under them is Marlena...This is the first time since the early 90's that she has been written well... according to my mom, this is the Marlena she loved back in the 70's and 80's. I agree Maggie has fallen by the way-side.. and I think that is a shame... Weren't she and Marlena friends at one time? Why not show scenes of them being friends... in fact, where are the frienships on this show??? At least Higley had some semblance of friendships... why hasnt Nicole interacted with Brady or Madison? That would make more sense then her hanging around Dr. Pervert... I hope with Billie back that they remember Jennifer and her were friends at one point along with Jack.

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Well, that's part of it. The other part, of course, is that Abby's about-face, for lack of a better word, was abrupt. In order for me to justify it even a little, I have to pretend it's a manifestation of the same mental disorder that claimed her grandmother, Laura. Otherwise, it's just whiplash characterization.

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I've waited for this storyline because I like Will for some reason ... & I've noticed this too & wish there is some angst regarding this...it would be more of real story for me. I still think a bisexual storyline would be be different...(I'm a huge fan of the writing for Torchwood's Capt Jack Harkness & the Good Wife's Kalinda Sharma)

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I would say watch the first two seasons and skip the rest.

I would also suggest you watch the Doctor Who episodes John Barrowman are in, as they have much less of the maudlin ponderousness which Torchwood delved into. He's in the last 4-5 stories of the first season.

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No vision, no direction. What was the point of bringing Quinn back? Most pointless return of their run as he has done NOTHING since coming back. Wasnt he blackmailing EJ in the beginning? I cant even remember with what. Nothing came out of that and it was quickly dropped.

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