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DAYS: March Discussion Thread

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Trust me, it's not an unpopular opinion. LOL Most of Corday and Brent Nelson's background music is bad. Occasionally, there's a few good cue, but most of them are really bad......like this new one during the John/Hope scenes with the woman's voice (Kelly Moneymaker?) oooohhhhh and ahhhhing.

Glad see the new turn in Gabi. I hope Gabi and Abby (Gabby) team up. smile.png

Cheap, Abby found out about Green Mountain Lodge (glad that's back too) on Austin's computer.

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I couldn't disagree more with you there. Sami and Lucas are the same pairing Sami has always had since she was a teenager. There is no difference between most of her parings. You instantly know Sami is going to fall for a guy she can't have, do something underhanded to make the guy fall in love with her and then later do something self-destructive to mess everything up and end up with the guy running for his life to get away from her.

Lumi is no different. It is virtually identical to the pairings Sami has been in for over a decade. Brandon and EJ are probably the only two characters who really see Sami for who and what she is and are still willing to get into bed with her (so to speak) with full insight into who she is a scheming, manipulative bitch. For that reason alone I find EJ and Sami to be a justifiable "relationship" even if the show itself barely went there. Both of the characters are mirror images of each other, it makes complete sense for them to be in this tug-of-war love/hate relationship they have been in for four or five years, they are exactly alike and they are both vindictive, self-absorbed jerks who only care about themselves in the end and something about that resonates with the other. As Nicole said "you must care about her, you keep sleeping with her!" To me that's a hell of a lot more interesting then Saustin 1.0, 2.0 Lumi 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and Safe 1.0 and 2.0 ever were to be honest because it's the same storyline played continuously with a different man in the drivers seat.

Sami is a destructive force and it's ridiculous how everyone just lets her walk away and get away with things. EJ was really the only character who ever checked her and gave her back everything she ever gave out which quite frankly needed to happen because she was a completely unlikable bitch by the time 05/06' came around.

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We can agree to disagree. I think Lucas and Sami have always had a connection. Ejami were good for about 6 months until EJ morphed into every other guy and hasn't been the same character since he changed for Sami and started groveling just like hes doing with Nicole today. He hasn't been the same guy since they changed him in 2008. Watching him with a fishing cap on begging her was the limit. Its the same thing they do for every man to be with Sami. Lucas at least was always despite the pain they caused each other, her friend.

As for Sami, she became the perpetual victim once EJ arrived. It was his arrival that triggered the poor poor Sami era. So for all the claims of how perfect they were for each other, no 2 characters were more turned into pretzels to be together than these 2.

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I've been tuning in and out lately depending on my free time, but I agree with this. One of the problems I have with 'Days,' and the previous regime wasn't always great about this towards the end, is they don't utilize the character dynamics. I remember when Sami suggested Gabi as a model this would fuel conflict in Sami / Rafe relationship. I don't think Rafe would want his baby sister working for the Dimeras; it's bad enough Sami was. If working with the Dimeras wasn't bad enough, allowing Gabi to be around her ex-boyfriend and newfound Dimera Chad probably wasn't going to make him happy. Plus, throw in the fact Gabi wanted Will back and Gabi was working with Will's mother and paternal grandmother you'd think there would be some nice natural conflict there.

While I think Deidre Hall is thriving in a supporting capacity, I'm disappointed others haven't been allowed into the Sami / Marlena / Will storyline. I find this incredibly odd since one of the main complaints about the last regime was how isolated Sami is from the rest of the canvas. At times, I find the current stories in similar bubbles.

Lucas left town in Janaury / February 2010. I cannot remember if he was present for Mickey's funeral, but I remember he wasn't there when Chandler Massey arrived in February. Lucas had only been back in Salem for a few months. Chloe went into a coma in the summer of 2009 and by September Lucas had fallen off the wagon only to be shipped to rehab for several months. When Lucas returned, it had just come out that Sydney had been switched so Lucas and Sami were on fairly stable terms. I don't remember if there were any issues in June when Lucas came back for Alice's passing, but there may have been because Will was living with Kate and Stefano at the time because of Sami's behavior.

For the most part, Higley / Tomlin played Lucas and Sami as comfortably divorced. Sami confided in Lucas that she was pregnant with E.J.'s baby and later told him the child was stillborn. Lucas told his then fiancee Chloe, who passed the information onto Nicole. While Sami wasn't a fan of Chloe / Lucas, I think her feelings subsided when Rafe entered the picture and she became more concerned about keeping Grace's paternity a secret.

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