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DAYS: March Discussion Thread

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Lucas? Didnt even know he was showing up today

Gabi? WTF is wrong wtih this bitch? They are making her psycho now? Cant beleive Im saying it but Team Melanie

Did Chad and Abby ever have sex? I cant recall them having a love scene but was it implied that they were intimiate or was it a non-issue? She's not a virgin is she?

Green Mountain Lodge....this place is back? I remember it being talked about all the time in the 90s

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I like the idea of revisiting Green Mountain Lodge. It has a lot of history for Carrie and Austin (her almost be raped by Alan, Caustins first time). I always think of Jennifer and Peter weekending there together too. I really liked that pairing.

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I guess they tape everyone in blocks and segregate most characters but it's too bad they didn't put Gabi more into the Sami/Rafe borefest or Will's tantrums while Molly had to take time off. That might have given more insight into her character.

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I would have used her to sew more strife between Will/Sami and Sami/Rafe, instead of the way they did it where Will spent months playing the same abusive scenes with Sami before finally telling her he knew the truth. I think it could have been built up better, and Gabi could have poisoned his mind further, while pretending to be a friend.

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Its weird seeing Sami and Lucas so cool with each other. Weasnt their last onscreen interaction less than pleasant? If I recall correctly, he was ripping into her for being with EJ. I wonder how he will react to finding out that Will's been on a downward spiral since seeing Sami with EJ yet again

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Sami and Lucas stayed friends despite all that happened. Their relationship was always rooted in more than the contrived fake soulmate attempts with EJ and Sami. Lucas was really the only one over the years to tell Sami like it was and withstand most of her BS. I was never a huge fan of them as a couple but I always liked their connection and friendship. And Lucas always cared more about Will than Sami so its going to be interesting to see the dynamics here play out.

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ITA. It was odd that Gabi and Will split and that was it. It might have been interesting to see her resentment fuel Wills feelings for Sami and to push the disconnect with Sami/Rafe.I could easily have seen Gabi harbor some resentment towards Will and Sami particularly had she somehow found out about Sami/EJ

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LMAO at the look Melanie gave Abby when she saw Austin at the lodge. She is like 'bitch, you set me up!'. Anyways how did Abby know Austin and Carrie were going to be there? Did I miss something?

Im confused. How much did Sami actually tell Lucas? They acknowledged that she adn Rafe arent together and that she's made a mess of her life but no details were mentioned in regards to Carrie or EJ. Lucas wasnt even asking her any questions. Does he know? Its wird that this wasnt clarified

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I think that could have built on a lot of story. It also would have made Will's personality changes less severe and made him less unpleasant. The show just seems to drop stories, again and again.

Kate Mansi looks like Kristen Alderson.

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I'm a very casual viewer, but I completely agree with all of this. OK very unpopularopinion on here I believe but I realized I HATE HATE Days of Our Lives' music. All that plinky plunky tuneless constant synth guitar and keyboard. Is Corday still in charge of it? Does the man have zero talent>? it's dated too--it reminds me of the ABC soaps in the mid 90s that had constant music (as opposed to soaps in the 70s or 80s which used it for drama)--and while that didn't bug me at the time,it feels dated when I watch clips now. I swear it gives me a headache or makes me fall asleep (which with some of the acting on the show is not a good combo)

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