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B&B: February Discussion Thread

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Is it my imagination, or did Ridge pretty much give Liam his blessing for choosing Hope, and then act like he didn't when he went to see Taylor and Brooke.??

Not that i'm particularly rooting for Liam and Hope but i'm also getting tired of Ridge and Taylor not knowing what Bill did. I don't see why that has to be the one annoying thing in this whole storyline. I think it would be a good idea if Thorne would expose Bill to Ridge and Taylor. It would make sense considering he pretty much is pissed with the family lately, and that would be a good chance of showing them what hypocrites they are or whatever. Maybe we can also discover that the paternity tests were wrong and Liam is really Thorne's son all along ( i prefer it that way these days) ending this ridiculous triangle cause Steffy can't marry her cousin.

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Yeah unfortunately Steffy is no saint in that field either. Even though Hope was kind of annoying today. But let's not forget that comment Taylor made to Brooke when Liam and Steffy first got engaged. "I don't blame her for wanting to tell all her friends, I want to tell my friends!" (what friends Taylor?, LOL)

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And it's (the leaked engagment picture) is another example of a trick Steffi used to hook Liam and got away with without anyone the wiser.

Yea, Hope's annoying. But I can accept she's simply enthusiastic. She's a lot more "considerate" of Steffi's feelings than 99.99% of the population would be under the same circumstances. And same goes for Liam "Douchebag" Spencer. Why those two don't tear Steffi a new !@#$%^&*] is beyond me.

And frankly, I would've thought Steffi would be the last person to vow to "hang around" while some man ran back to his ex-lover. Not after all the caterwauling she did about Ridge's "abandonment" of Taylor.

As for Taylor---she never respected Brooke's marriages to Ridge---y'know the ones that were invalidated upon her resurrections from the dead. She expected the same thing Hope and Liam do---to pick up exactly where they left off.

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So i guess more of Hope's backbone will resurface. Too Bad knowing Steffy, she will make Ridge and Taylor think Hope was trying to kill her. I don't think i can stand to watch Ridge try to make mean faces or Taylor ranting and raving about nothing anymore.

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God, how I wish I could turn the clock back with Taylor. She use to be one of my favorite characters and was so vibrant and gorgeous. Now...dry.png

Have any of the characters ever bothered to mention how Hope is more like the Taylor of old while Steffy is more like Brooke?

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I am SO looking forward to this catfight. I cannot even tell you. I'm thrilled that TPTB are continuing this tradition with the younger set.

I really wish that Hope/Liam would get married only to find out that they are disappointed with the reality of their relationship, but that's not the type of realistic story B&B does. I'm not sure how they will end, but they will and soon. Well, maybe not end for good, but they won't be together for long.

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OK, so... the news of a catfight has perked me up a little. However, I still think Hope and Steffy squabbling over Liam needs to end. I am all for a rivalry between these two, in fact it makes a lot of sense. Over business, over Steffy's allegiance to Bill, over Hope's allegiance to her aunt Katie, over Ridge's attention, certainly -- but not over that boy. It's childish and demeans both characters. In fact, Serial Drama posits that the reason B&B got a ratings boost last week is because everybody was expecting the teenybopper triangle to END. There is a lot of truth in that assumption.

At least Steffy changed out of that horrendous sweater made from cast-off hair extensions. Hope she burned it.

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Steffy has a point. One of the main reasons Liam and Hope had problems was bc of the Hope for the Future line and all the attention it got, to the point where Liam was feeling he was on the backburner. She kept flaunting intimate details of their relationship to the woruld with all the press conferences about her virginity and what they werent doing, which she knew frustrated him. Whats one of the first things she does upon getting Liam back? She throws a press conference to announce it to the world and makes it the slogan for the relaunch of her campaign.

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A significant reason Hope wasn't having sex with Liam is the fact they both thought he knocked up Amber. Liam obviously doesn't like being a poster boy for abstinence, but he's the one who made their engagement a public event proposing to her at her fashion show.

Steffy continues to slam Hope for doing her work when Steffy went out of her mind to get her own intimates line---which has apparently fallen off her radar since becoming obsessed with Liam.

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I actually kinda loved the drama today with those annulment papers. Steffy is not playing. LOL. And wow, how fast is Hope? I find it funny how not to long ago, Hope was the one who wanted to wait to get married & Liam was the one rushing, but now it's the other way around and Hope can't wait another second.

LOL at frustrated Brooke. Loved it.

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I can understand why Steffy isn't signing. It's a pride thing and she has been disrespected by Hope forcing through the wedding/Hope for the Future campaign. Normally I would love that she's taking her sweet time with the annullment papers... except that all this is just an excuse to "wait" for Liam. Her speech about Hope being a little station-wagon & her being a mega-horsepower car was hilarious, but the reasoning behind it was depressing and sad. First of all, she's giving that speech to the wrong man. Secondly, all this is essentially begging Liam to "pick" her. Sigh. And that idiot "psychiatrist" is only encouraging her. For all Taylor's talk of Brooke's harmful influence on her children, her advice is just as bad, if not worse.

Brooke vs. Steffy is where it's at.

Hope is obnoxious in her self-righteous piety -- but that actually makes her almost interesting. Time to start tackling Hope's issues with sex. Because that is going to negate the entire premise upon which Hope for the Future has been built.

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