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GL on DVD!


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And it also puts the recent wave of cancellations in a new perspective. How could supposed industry insiders claim to have been caught off-guard when soaps like OLTL, AMC, and even ATWT went off the air completely, even though they were considered to be within negligible distance, ratings-wise, of the ones that remained? After a show like GL that was consistently ranking within the top 50% of soaps on the air at the time - a time when that meant millions more viewers than any soap has had in years, I might add - was taken off the air in such a major market, nearly twenty years ago. That should have been a wake-up call.

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You're right...about Ed and Lillian, and the music. I guess that's also why they didn't show the episode in which Maureen actually was pronounced dead - I have a vague recollection of some music montage with a Linda Ronstadt song. The episode of Maureen's (off-screen) funeral was brilliantly written and acted, though (I can't remember if that was also the same episode where Roger and/or Bridget made a secret visit to Maureen's grave after everyone had gone home), and I don't think there were any potential ASCAP music conflicts.

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I didn't watch the 1993 episode because I've seen it before; however, I am curious whether they covered up the music in the scene at the Vietnam memorial. I seem to remember Annie Lennox playing in the background.

BTW, the Linda Rodstadt song was Goodbye My Friend and it played throughout that story.

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I think there was a backlash against the Gus/Harley relationship that seemed to be eating up huge amounts of airtime, added to the suspicion BE & RPG were involved and decided to jump to AMC together, thus fatally crippling GL. It didn't help that the writing for Harley was atrocious---her final months on GL were spent jumping into the scuzzy Cyrus' bed---who happened to be engaged to her niece Marina.

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I got my tax return today so I just ordered it. CAN'T WAIT!

I was hooked on those ATWT DVDs for days and to be honest, the GL eps look even more intriguing. This coming from someone who's never really watched GL regularly and was a HUGE ATWT fan (well, mainly it's last 10 years anyway- after AW was gone)

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The Coopers were the only intact family and Gus and Harley as a couple were their leads, so I think that is part of where the frustration came from as every other group lost family members and they kept growing.

What I want to know is will there be another free episode up on Soapclassics.com? The 1983 episode has been pulled and there is no longer a link to a free streaming episode. Has anyone heard anything?

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One episode I hope they include on a future GL release is Jenna's funeral episode. where Jenna appears to Buzz, Vanessa, Harley, Alexandra, and Holly in separate vignettes. I remember it being well-written, great use of history, and was a great self-contained episode. My VHS copy is worn out and don't recall any significant music montage or anything (though I could be wrong) and the best part was that there was no Reva on it! :)

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