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Never liked her as Morgan, as it was a typical Doug Marland heroine who made this hot hunk go crazy in love, while she was, uh, just okay looking. Maybe this appealed to girls in that age range.?

The writers for Annie's reign of terror was E & B....who rewrote their own history ( Annie was not nuts/evil until Josh Reva sneaking behind her back made her so...but at the wedding they wrote it so that she was ALWAYS evil. I remember watching this and not even thinking about the production values back then, we were so spoiled.

The Floyd "reveal," had to be one of the worst in GL's history and made no sense (Floyd barely had any scenes with Beth before he supposedly was madly in love with her???) and just was another Pam Long, "Let's get rid of this character I didnt create and have no idea how to write for.)

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I def agrre, the Floyd "thing" def was soooooo stupid. That being said, Floyd was partners with Lujack in the Club and he did have a lot of scenes with the couple, just nothing really significant between him and Beth until Lujack was in jail, him being the killer was lame.

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Now I've watched the episode where Roger dies and it was very exciting! Beyond Roger, Ed, Holly, Bert, Alan and Hope (who I've heard so much about) I didn't know who anybody was, but it was easy to follow. I thought it was well produced, but the look and feel reminded me of the type of soap Claire Labine would produce. As a Ryan's Hope fan, I loved that about it. It wasn't flashy, it the show seemed relatable, the sets and production were simple and the location shoot was blended in excellently. That was one of the most amazing things i've ever seen on soaps! The editing was TERRIBLE, but seeing Roger actually fall (and not on a sound stage!) was breathtaking and I loved how dirty everybody was. It was so gritty and real and fit right in.

I've never been a Holly fan (granted my I've only see her 2004+ work) and she didn't have enough here to do for me to change my mind. The actress playing Hope wasn't that great either. Are any of the other Hope's on YouTube?

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And few could blame her. Pam liked strong male characters, and that was not Floyd. The Dobsons created Floyd as a quirky somewhat comedic character. Despite Tom Nielsen's lack of acting talent (one of the dullest most uninteresting actors in the show's history), the character and his interaction with Katie was at least amusing. Unfortunately, Marland transformed him into his patented "moron with a heart of gold good guy". He did the same thing with Kelly, but at least JWS had nice pecs and looked fetching in a Speedo. I thought Tom Nielsen was just terribly miscast, and I did feel bad that Marland wrote Floyd as such an idiot. The scenes where he continuously professed his love for Nola even made me uncomortable, because her revulsion for him was so blatantly strong. Anyone remember him singing that sappy song at Kelly's birthday party, where Nola kept insinuating herself into his life? Painful. There was little for Floyd to do in later years, and the fact that he had the balls to kill someone, especially after Marland made him such an emasculated loser, was refreshing regardless of how unlikely it was. Floyd was lucky to have lasted as long as he did.

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Elvera Roussel had much better material under the Dobsons. Doug wrote her more as his typical clueless, helpless heroine blinded by love. The Dobsons did a much better job with the Hope/Alan story. Also, Maureen Garrett had far, far better material starting with Pam Long going through the Nancy Curlee years. Do a YT search for 1989-93 GL. Garrett had some amazing scenes for which she more than deserved an Emmy. Given the right material, she can be achingly good.

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The strongest material I've seen of Dobson-era Holly is probably when she talks about the letters she's received after taking Roger to court. Otherwise she seems very passive in that era.

Was it something viewers saw build up or was it rushed (him being the killer)?

I do like the material when Floyd was going to sue Nola for custody of Stacey. I guess that was dropped.

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I feel the same way about the insufferable Lucy Cooper, sanctimonious bore Harley, simpering Eve Guthrie, unnecessary Tangie whatshername, directionless Julie Camaletti, Nola Reardon ripoff Bridget, ill-conceived Jenna, and a plethora of unfortunate miscasts: Ann Hamilton, Barbara Crampton, Geoffrey Scott, Marj Dusay, Ron Raines, ad nauseum.

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I wish they'd kept Julie around a little longer in bitch mode. I guess it wouldn't have worked, since the whole idea of her scheming was no one knew she was scheming, but I enjoyed her schemes against Eleni and Lucy. One of the few 1994 stories I enjoyed.

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Holly, as played by Maureen Garrett, was never very strong until she returned under Pam Long's tenure. The original Holly, Lynn Deerfield, was much less passive. I couldn't stand Maureen Garrett at first, though ironically, she became my favorite GL performer in later years. She has incredible range when she's given good material, and it was Nancy Curlee who really provided that for her.

No, the others are correct. It was rushed and came out of left field, but since I was not thrilled about the actor and found the character pointless, it did not bother me. In fact, since Floyd had been such a sap all those years, constantly cuckolded by women, it seemed like a nice twist for me that he killed Andy Ferris, even though it was an accident.

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