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DAYS: December Discussion Thread

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Probably the next three months. She truly is a blackhole.

Kate and Sami are interesting...but overall today's kind of boring. I didn't realize how invested I had become in Will's breakdown.

Nice mention of Austin's boxing. I haven't seen much of Susan but the recast's voice bothered me.

I will say it was nice to see a glimpse of old Sami.

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Kate's outfit today is the ish!


I wish they would keep Ross Matthews on in a recurring capacity as Kate's assistant

"Its almost like the Sami I loathe and hate is back" LOL

Madison was dumb to hire Sami to such an important position. She really has herself to blame

I see Susan is still stuck on stupid

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I so agree with everything you said. And you said it so well. I thought MarDar was very slow at first. But it has really picked up speed. It at least is worlds better than Dena the Hack. The internet can be so negative, that no matter what the writers do, the fans are screaming with negativity. You could have Douglas Marland, James Reilly, and Pat Falken Smith come back from the dead to all cowrite the show, and still there would be a lot of complaining. I complain a lot and all is not perfect, but DAYS is really trying and certainly has improved by leaps and bounds. We should at least give them credit for that and not pick every storyline to death.

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This Susan today had me cracking up. Not even showing her face and having her in this weird cupboard while shaking her fist and clutching her dress sent me into hysterics.

Two things bugging me -- why is Quinn back? To saunter about this spa? He's not doing anything! Also, what is Kate up to? This Mad World/Countess Wilhemina fight is kinda lame, because it's not really about anything. There's no fashion show, no article to compete against. The Mayor race was formless a bit, but now it's taken a nice shape (is the election in March? I know some cities have moyral elections in March), so I need this cosmetics battle to do the same. At least give us something tangible these people are working for.

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They were, but I'm still trying to figure out Kate's angle. I know she obviously respects Sami as an adversary and meant what she was saying, but she also must have some sort of endgame. She doesn't wanna see Sami DESTROYED right now, but I doubt she wants to see her winning.

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this is how they should be written and its why I hated their initial interactions when the new writers took over. Sami and Kate dont hate each other and more and have a level of respect for each other that they developed for each other. Sami is the mother of Kate's grandchildren and thats something she's finally accepted. I loved her mentioning that today and its one of the reasons she doesnt want ot see her suffer. They dont have to be besties, but its great to see them civil nad for Kate to give her words of enouragement in her own way. I especially loved Kate commenting on how she ignited a fire in Sami that reminded her of the old Sami she once hated..lol. That was a good way to acknowledge their history while keeping with the moving forward with them

She doesnt hate Sami and as she mentioned, Sami is the mother of her grandkids. Kate had her back last year and went against Stefano to help Sami out when she shot EJ. I dont think she has any ill will or plans to hurt Sami. This is all about Madison. Thats her focus. Lets face it, Sami is a mess and has no qualifications for the important job, Madison gave her. Kate saw that she's already proving to be a disaster and liability to Madison. The longer Madison keeps her, the worst shape Mad World will be in, which is good for Countess W

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Kate can respect Sami all she wants, but I don't think she in any way likes her. It's just that Sami isn't in her crosshairs anymore. I don't for one second think she would give Sami this pep talk for no reason -- her touching moment when Johnny was gone made sense, her telling Sami about EJ was so that her grandkids wouldn't be kidnapped. Kate has an endgame here and it's to destroy Madison, she'll use Sami to do it.

Now, I know she's not going to try and destroy her like she did Chloe -- but that's because there's no reason to. But don't tell me for a second you think that Kate wouldn't go after Sami (mother of her grandkids or not) if she felt threatened again. That's why the earlier scenes made sense to me. Kate and Sami sparring early on when they got the rival companies going is exactly what they'd do, rivals spar. Even if they don't hate each other to the death, soap rivals will always have a fun retort with one another. Kate also got pissed off when Austin went to stay with Sami, because she doesn't trust her. But she got over it. If Sami were to become romantically interested in Austin again though, please believe Kate will take her down. She'd do the same if Sami were pursuing a relationship with Lucas again. They're only not at each other's throats because there's no reason to be anymore.

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I don't agree.

I think Kate is "over" hating Sami. I think the relationship has evolved to the point where Sami's been such a disaster, over and over and over again that Kate doesn't need to bother with her anymore, Sami self destructs all on her own without any help. In saying that, Kate sees Sami as a less than worthy adversary. Sami's someone who walks along the sidewalk just as a bus passes by, hits a puddle and soaks her. Kate knows this.

Kate wins more than she loses. Even when she loses, she sort of wins. Kate's paid her dues and has lost a lot of people in the process but she perseveres. Sami, everyone sticks with Sami, regardless of the heinous things she's done because they pity her.

And that's where Kate is now, she sees Sami as a once worthy enemy who is now someone to be pitied.

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