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AMC and OLTL Canceled! Part 2!

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That NBC tidbit just keeps rearing its ugly head, doesn't it? They started getting out of the soap biz 12 years ago by cutting 1 of their 3 shows, then a 2nd one 4 1/2 years ago. I guess I missed where ratings have gone up, production costs decreased, the economy turned around, and advertisers were clamoring to climb back on board.

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A gag order regarding what? PP? Frons? Ending spoilers? And how long are/were these gag orders good for? Because we've seen some serious truth telling from the AMC actors like MEK,McClain and Willey but nothing from the OLTL actors. I assume that's because this "gag order" is in effect until after the last show airs. I hope that after the final episode others will step up. (No. I don't count IK asking why Oprah didn't save the soaps "stepping up.")

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Beware there are spoilers about her return, so if you're spoiler free don't click the link

TV Guide Magazine: Why were you so vocal in your blog about the cancellation? You even joined fans on an anti-Frons picket line. It was a whole other side of Catherine Hickland we hadn't seen. You were really out there!

Hickland: And I was happy to be out there! I didn't really care if I ever acted again so, for me, it was no big deal. Everyone else at OLTL and AMC was under gag order and had the fear of God put into them. There was nothing keeping me from telling the truth. When I saw our wonderful viewers being yanked around like that I just couldn't take it anymore. They are the bread and butter of this business, the very reason soaps have remained on the air for decades, and they deserved to know what's really going on. I guess that was the reason behind my snap, so to speak. I just didn't have any idea it would be so far reaching and cause such a fuss. I was just saying my thoughts, blogging like I have for ages. I spent a lot of years at OLTL being told, "Don't say this. Don't say that." This is America, may I remind everybody. To not be able to speak your mind is very frustrating. If you don't let your feelings out, that's where sickness lies. I had already moved on. It's not like I felt anyone owed me a career. It wasn't about that at all. I just felt that the audience was owed simple respect, something we all owe each other — in business and in life.


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As I mentioned in the other thread...

Great interview !!! Bravo to Catherine Hickland as well as Ilene Kristen and Robin Strasser previously, for all speaking their minds on the cancellation of OLTL, ABC and Brian Frons. It's refreshing to hear what the actors really feel, instead of ABC's public relations spin.

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How much could have been used for charity...people would have been willing to spend hundreds or more for things of interest. The coats at least were donated to a good cause. So basically PP paid for all that stuff and then threw it out, wow I would have thought they would have used some of it for the shows they have in production.

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