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AMC and OLTL Canceled! Part 2!

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And, everyone would love the banquet to continue! Do you think after the “suspending efforts” announcement by Prospect Park there is still a possibility that this show will still continue and end up online? Prospect Park recently came out with a news item that they were still looking to make this work and resurrect the show!


I think Prospect Park is determined to try and do something with the One Life to Live property. And, they can do what they want with the property because Prospect Park does have the rights for a year. And, if they get it done by January 2013, then they have the rights for the next ten years. I do believe there are other producing entities that are interested in doing something with One Life to Live, too, because of its entertainment value, quality, and passionate audience. I’m sure if you talk to me in a month or so, more will be more revealed.


Do you think that Prospect Park had any inkling of what they were getting into when they decided to pick up All My Childrenand One Life to Live from ABC and attempt to move them online?


I think Prospect Park has underestimated us. I don’t think they understand what it really takes to do this kind of a show. And, I don’t think they did their homework the entire time. We all know how difficult this medium is, but all the actors love it. It has been creatively fantastic to be on this show. In daytime soaps you have to think on your feet and make split second decisions. If Prospect Park came and watched us for a whole week, they would see what we do. They came to the show once, and as far as I know, they never watched us shoot. They came and made a statement that they needed us, as much as we might need them. And, that they want us to be the anchor for their new online network, and that they need a show such as ours with a loyal and loving fan base that would tune-in every day. That was one of the most important criteria in starting a network, they said, that you have people who are addicted to something, and who would watch every day.


What went down on November 23, 2011 – five days after One Life finished taping their final network television episode? You got word on Thanksgiving eve that the show is not going to launch online in January as planned, and Prospect Park was suspending their efforts.


I had just found out about an hour before I went to Lorraine Broderick’s (AMC head writer) house. So it was a really happy Thanksgiving eve! She has all this wonderful food and I felt like I had no appetite.


You must have felt utterly disappointed!


ABC had asked us to clean out our dressing rooms by December 9th, but being the optimist that I am, I went, “Oh, this is because they have a place for us to be shooting. We have to get our stuff out because they don’t want to rent the ABC Studios any longer than they have to. So of course, they are going to be making the announcement before the final date. And it’s going to be surprise, surprise, surprise!” It was a surprise all right!


When the cast and crew finished taping the final days at One Life at ABC Studios, was there any sense of closure with all this upheaval from the Prospect Park situation, while bringing down the curtain on One Life’s time at ABC?


There was no real feeling of completion. Even when we had our party on Friday after the final taping, it still did not feel complete. It was kind of like we are all saying, “Well, I will still see you.” I think we are all hoping that everything would come together, and we be working together soon


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Charles Barkley on Conan talking about the cancellation of All My Children.

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Errol, if you are still reading this thread I have a question.

Do you think ABC would have kept OLTL for a little longer like you told us back in June if not for the Prospect Park deal? You said were ratings would be crucial in the decision and they continued rising for a month or two after the PP news.

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