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AMC and OLTL Canceled! Part 2!

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You know, one of these days, Maggie Smith herself is gonna shock the hell out of everyone (myself included!) and talk about that one-day cameo appearance she made on some "soaper in the States" for shits and giggles.

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IK got Dame Maggie Smith confused with Valarie Pettiford? wink.png

Is it me, or didn't Tina, Megan and even Cord and Sheila feel like supporting actors to "Babs" and the director in that scene? That's why I didn't like the Gottlieb era: it felt like OLTL belonged to anyone except the characters we actually tuned in for.

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I think the only real focus was on racism and the broad caricatures took over - I do see what you mean though. Characterization was sometimes very strong in that era but I think plot often came first.

I did kind of laugh in that interview when Ilene seemed to run through a checklist of stuff soap fans say/do which is supposed to show how unstable they are, and yet she herself says it (praising the Frons boos; trashing OWN; saying she thought the soaps would have replaced The Chew; saying PP did this to help ABC).

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This cracks me up! People who think blocking people on Facebook, Twitter or other forums for discussion (soap opera message boards) gives them immense, life-changing power. As if having the power to block them there is also giving them to power to block them... IN LIFE! Hinsey's reaction is typical from a woman who thinks that no one has the right to criticize her since it's "only my opinion." Kinda like some of the women I detest around these parts. Dishing out loads of rude, condescending crap that's "only my opinion," and then crying foul when challenged. It's hilarious how this chick and Biggie Smalls (and others) call themselves "journalists" yet seem to have no concept of the first amendment and that it works both ways. I guess they both cut class to pig out at Häagen-Dazs the day that was being taught,

But one has to question... is Ron moving to LA? It's common knowledge that, these days, even head writers don't have to leave the comfort of their homes to work, much less move across country.

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